Quotation Explorer - 'Begotten'

When God laughs at the soul and the soul laughs back at God, the persons of the Trinity are begotten. When the Father laughs at the Son and the Son laughs back at the Father, that laughter gives pleasure, that pleasure gives joy, that joy gives love, and that love is the Holy Spirit. - Meister Eckhart
Fathers are the future's keepers, as it was in the beginning when the only begotten Son became Father to Man and the Great Circle of Father to Son; Son to Father began. - Psyche Roxas-Mendoza
My love is of a birth as rareAs 'tis, for object, strange and high;It was begotten by DespairUpon Impossibility. - Andrew Marvell
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him will believeth in anything. - Hitchens 3:16 - Christopher Hitchens
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