Quotation Explorer - 'Digs'

Life turns, and returns death. Where death digs its claws into the grave only to pull out life, as a baby from a womb; and the recycle of air, the recycle of struggles that never achieve satisfaction, in a constant turning world, of an untuned universe. - Anthony Liccione
Archaeology digs the Bible’s grave. - Steve Dustcircle
One doesn't fall into love... one digs a hole for himself to trip... claiming he didn't see it coming - A.M.M Alusi
One doesn't fall in love... one digs a hole for himself to trip in... claiming he didn't see it coming - A.M.M Alusi
I was, a near grown man, sat in his dank, dark and rickety digs, feverishly hovering about the glare of a computer screen like a disorientated moth, one searching for a flaming light of recognition from someone/anyone! - Tom Conrad
A detective digs around in the garbage of people's lives. A novelist invents people and then digs around in their garbage. - Joe Gores
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