Quotation Explorer - 'Concluding'

the onus of Connecting rightly, Conceiving brightly, Conveying quietly, and Concluding wisely are the capatencies (capacity and competence) of man - Priyavrat Thareja
Trivia are not knowledge. Lists of facts don't comprise knowledge. Analyzing, hypothesizing, concluding from data, sharing insights, those comprise knowledge. You can't google for knowledge. - Elaine Ostrach Chaika
With no matter what human being, taken individually, I always find reasons for concluding that sorrow and misfortune do not suit him; either because he seems too mediocre for anything so great, or, on the contrary, too precious to be destroyed. - Simone Weil
I hope you become comfortable with the use of logic without being deceived into concluding that logic will inevitably lead you to the correct conclusion. - Neil Armstrong
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