Quotation Explorer - 'Restoration'

We can't always take the higher road when faced with adversity. Sometimes for the sake of restoration, peace and sharing the love of Jesus, we have to walk through the tribulation. - Chris Vonada
The restoration of man’s inner eyes can hardly be expected in this day and age unless, first of all, one were willing and determined simply to exclude from one’s realm of life all those inane and contrived but titillating illusions incessantly generated by the entertainment industry. - Josef Pieper
All of us are in desperate need of the restoration of our wholeness through union with our inmost self. - Stephan A. Hoeller
Restoration and hope is available each time you return to God. - Jim George
Forgiveness leads to healing of wounds and restoration of health. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Forgiveness leads to healing of wounds and restoration health. - Lailah Gifty Akita
The bigger the victory, the bigger the battle. Still, be the light and a change agent for healing, restoration and transformation. - Germany Kent
Forgiveness and restoration are two difference acts. Forgiveness can lead to restoration but restoration is not hinged to forgiveness. - Gary Rohrmayer
What if, as an act of worship, creating something meant healing and restoration took place instead of pain and frustration? - Michelle Dennis Evans
America's present need is not heroics, but healing; not nostrums but normalcy; not revolution, but restoration. - Warren G. Harding
For me, Art is the restoration of order. It may discuss all sort of terrible things, but there must be satisfaction at the end. A little bit of hunger, but also satisfaction. - Toni Morrison
Jesus was and is the greatest restoration specialist of all time. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
It is not the quantity of your thoughts but the quality of your thoughts that make the difference. Thoughts can either be productive or a hindrance. But, when we focus our attention on faithfulness and truthfulness the restoration process begins. - Amaka Imani Nkosazana
Spring is the season of restoration of all living things. - Lailah Gifty Akita
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