God is the name given by theologians to something they know nothing about. There is no God; the whole existence is made of the stuff called love. - Osho
Every time we mention God we become theologians, and the only question is whether we are going to be good ones or bad ones. - J.I. Packer
Theology is never any help; it is searching in a dark cellar at midnight for a black cat that isn't there. Theologians can persuade themselves of anything. - Robert A. Heinlein
For centuries, theologians have been explaining the unknowable in terms of the-not-worth-knowing. - H. L. Mencken
In making up the character of God, the old theologians failed to mention that He is of infinite cheerfulness. The omission has caused the world much tribulation.
Theologians and other clerks, You won't understand this book, -- However bright your wits -- If you do not meet it humbly, And in this way, Love and Faith Make you surmount Reason, for They are the protectors of Reason's house. - Marguerite Porete
That new technologies and techniques would be forthcoming was a fundamental article of Christian faith. Hence, no bishops or theologians denounced clocks or sailing ships--although both were condemned on religious grounds in various non-Western societies. - Rodney Stark
To judge from the notions expounded by theologians, one must conclude that God created most men simply with a view to crowding hell. - Marquis de Sade
Only a very few can be learned, but all can be Christian, all can be devout, and – I shall boldly add – all can be theologians. - Desiderius Erasmus
If you believe the doctors, nothing is wholesome; if you believe the theologians, nothing is innocent; if you believe the military, nothing is safe. - Lord Salisbury