Quotation Explorer - 'Homework'

The worst thing a kid can say about homework is that it is too hard. The worst thing a kid can say about a game is it's too easy. - Henry Jenkins
With homework, school prepares students for overtime. With reports, it prepares them for payday. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Writing is like giving yourself homework, really hard homework, every day, for the rest of your life. You want glamorous? Throw glitter at the computer screen. - Katrina Monroe
Home computers are being called upon to perform many new functions, including the consumption of homework formerly eaten by the dog. - Doug Larson
A genius is just a talented person who does his homework. - Thomas A. Edison
Strange new problems are being reported in the growing generations of children whose mothers were always there, driving them around, helping them with their homework - an inability to endure pain or discipline or pursue any self-sustained goal of any sort, a devastating boredom with life. - Betty Friedan
Good literacy skills can help children:-Be healthy and safe.-Do their homework to their best ability.-Get and keep a job one day.-Eventually participate in local committees or government - Soraya Diase Coffelt
There’s always that one guy who gets a hold on you. The can’t eat, can’t sleep, can’t do your homework, can’t stop giggling can’t remember anything but his smile kind of hold. - Jess Rothenberg
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