Quotation Explorer - 'Obtained'

Success is not obtained overnight. It comes in installments; you get a little bit today, a little bit tomorrow until the whole package is given out. The day you procrastinate, you lose that day's success. - Israelmore Ayivor
The lasting sweetness of the wealth obtained is directly proportional to the honesty of its source. Dishonest wealth does not last. - Israelmore Ayivor
We obtained literature by our own efforts, it is a product of our own life, and that is why we love it so much and hold it so dear, why we pin our hopes on it. - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Wisdom alone is true ambition's aim Wisdom the source of virtue, and of fame, Obtained with labor, for mankind employed, And then, when most you share it, best enjoyed. - Alfred North Whitehead
In Marseilles they make half the toilet soap we consume in America, but the Marseillaise only have a vague theoretical idea of its use, which they have obtained from books of travel. - Mark Twain
Self-leaders do not look for followers because they are busily pursuing their influencial dreams that followers will trace and ask for. Followers look for influence and that can be obtained from self-leaders. - Israelmore Ayivor
A useful definition of liberty is obtained only by seeking the principle of liberty in the main business of human life, that is to say, in the process by which men educate their responses and learn to control their environment. - Walter Lippmann
A just war is in the long run far better for a nation's soul than the most prosperous peace obtained by acquiescence in wrong or injustice. - Theodore Roosevelt
Honesty is the recognition of the fact that the unreal is unreal and can have no value, that neither love nor fame nor cash is a value if obtained by fraud. - Ayn Rand
Success is obtained from failure. It is the one that learn that triumph. - Abdulazeez Henry Musa
If a politician obtained a great wealth after he has been elected, his being an immoral corrupt man is not a possibility but it is a self-evident reality! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Knowledge is not obtained through being absorbed in a book, it comes when you brush aside fantasies and sensuality, switching from the unreal to the real. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Prayer can solve more problems, alleviate more suffering, prevent more transgression, and bring about greater peace and contentment in the human soul than can be obtained in any other way. - Thomas S. Monson
The aim of language...is to communicate...to impart to others the results one has obtained...As I talk, I reveal the situation...I reveal it to myself and to others in order to change it. - Jean-Paul Sartre
Real knowledge, like everything else of value, is not to be obtained easily. It must be worked for, studied for, thought for, and, more that all, must be prayed for.
Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained. - C.S. Lewis
It is both relaxing and invigorating to occasionally set aside the worries of life, seek the company of a friendly book...from the reading of 'good books' there comes a richness of life that can be obtained in no other way. - Gordon B. Hinckley
ADHERENT, n. A follower who has not yet obtained all that he expects to get. - Ambrose Bierce
I do not believe that the present flowering of science is due in the least to a real appreciation of the beauty and intellectual discipline of the subject. It is due simply to the fact that power, wealth and prestige can only be obtained by the correct application of science. - Derek Barton
Possible reality [is obtained] by slightly bending physical and chemical laws. - Marcel Duchamp
To experience the spirit of peace, one must have freedom.Neither can be obtained without the other. - Ellen J. Barrier
Emotion resulting from a work of art is only of value when it is not obtained by sentimental blackmail. - Jean Cocteau
In scriptures, there is knowledge about the different methods; the knowledge about the goal [to attain Pure Soul] is not there. ‘Gnani’ has the knowledge about the goal [to attain Pure Soul]. Knowledge about the goal, which is the Soul, is obtained as a result of the ‘Gnani’s’ grace. - Dada Bhagwan
No one can believe how powerful prayer is and what it can effect, except those who have learned it by experience. Whenever I have prayed earnestly, I have been heard and have obtained more than I prayed for. God sometimes delays, but He always comes. - Martin Luther
truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold. - Leo Tolstoy
Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached. - Simone Weil
Wisdom is obtained by the revere of God. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love. Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent than the one derived from fear of punishment. - Mahatma Gandhi
We recognize authority based on whether we feel we could attain authority by the rules by which the authority was obtained. - Clifford Cohen
We desire justice, and justice has never been obtained in haste and strong feeling. - Walter Van Tilburg Clark
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