Read the great books, gentlemen, Mr. Monte said one day. Just the great ones. Ignore the others. There’s not enough time. - Pat Conroy
So I have 8 to 10 screenplays written and unproduced. And frankly, some of them are my favorite stories. I have a Western version of The Count Of Monte Cristo where the count has a clockwork hand. I have a screenplay called Mephisto's Bridge about a Faustian deal with the devil. I love them all. - Guillermo del Toro
MY GOD!' read Monte Cristo, 'LET ME KEEP MY MEMORY! - Alexandre Dumas
Acredito que, no correr do próximo século, a ideia de que é dever da mulher ter filhos mudará, e abrirá caminho para o respeito e admiração a todas as mulheres, que carregam seus fardos sem reclamar e sem um monte de palavras pomposas! - Anne Frank