Quotation Explorer - 'Doughnut'

A week after my drugs ran out, I left my bed to perform at the college, deciding at the last minute to skip both the doughnut toss and the march of the headless plush toys. Instead, I just heated up a skillet of plastic soldiers, poured a milkshake over my head and called it a night. - David Sedaris
Caring about a person is like praying to a doughnut in the darkness. - Crispin Best
As it turned out, everyone wanted a doughnut. Jace wanted two. - Cassandra Clare
Adult librarians are like lazy bakers: their patrons want a jelly doughnut, so they give them a jelly doughnut. Children’s librarians are ambitious bakers: 'You like the jelly doughnut? I’ll get you a jelly doughnut. But you should try my cruller, too. My cruller is gonna blow your mind, kid. - John Green
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