Quotation Explorer - 'Meg'

Quit worrying so much about the boards and nails of your life. Focus on the stuff that lasts. He glanced through the window toward the glowing light of the kitchen where Meg and my mom were laughing about something. - Laura Anderson Kurk
Sometimes I think of my life as a sitcom. But in reality, life is more than a series of memorable events that bring out the Meg Ryan in us. Life happens in the gaps between scenes. We live in the fade-to-blacks. - Dorothy Angle
Alle bedro seg selv, og ingen ville innrømme det. Men da jeg visste dette og innrømmet at sikkerlig jeg også bedro meg selv, var altså jeg iallfall ingen selvbedrager. - Sigurd Hoel
Figyeld meg, vannak ilyenek; vörösre bőgik a szemüket a moziban valami gennyes marhaságon, és tízből kilenc a szíve mélyén aljas barom. - J.D. Salinger
Hvorfor snakket de egentlig høyt om dette?Uansett, det var flaks for meg som ikke visste all bakgrunnshistorien deres fra før.Ehe. - Simen Meisdal
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