Quotation Explorer - 'Tourist'

The tourist may complain of other tourists, but he would be lost without them. - Agnes Repplier
The traveler sees what he sees. The tourist sees what he has come to see. - G.K. Chesterton
Tourist, Rincewind decided, meant "idiot". - Terry Pratchett
The saddest journey in the world is the one that follows a precise itinerary. Then you're not a traveler. You're a f@@king tourist. - Guillermo del Toro
Being shaken to death by a Hawaiian tourist look-alike was not how Arena imagined her death. - Lynn Blackmar
The best tourist is one without a camera - Kamand Kojouri
Be a true traveller, don't be a temporary tourist. - Amit Kalantri
It seems that I have been held in some dreaming stateA tourist in the waking world world, never quite awake.No kiss, no gentle word could wake me from this slumber,Until I realised that it was you who held me under. - Florence + the Machine
I am a tourist of the emotions, visiting only the most well-worn spots. It is romantic, that is, a distortion, to imagine whole lives from the barest observation. - Jean Thompson
The innocent-sounding words Yes, it’s close enough to walk can easily lure the unsuspecting tourist into an exhausting day-long climb, requiring supplemental oxygen, crampons, and a pickax. - Maryrose Wood (The Hidden Gallery)
To the tourist, travel is a means to an end; to the traveler, it's an end in itself. - Marty Rubin
Leprechauns are not twee beings dreamed up by the tourist board, but warriors of legend. That name comes from the Celtic god of commerce and war, Lugh. Their mission, their life’s work, is to protect the gold. What better way to hide it than to become a joke, a story nobody takes seriously? - Kathy Bryson, Fighting Mad
The camera makes everyone a tourist in other people's reality, and eventually in one's own. - Susan Sontag
Make us, Lord, in Chesterton's distinction, travelers instead of tourists. Where the tourist defines his day by the expectation of seeing certain things, give us the traveler's openness to seeing what You will reveal. - Brian Eshleman
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