Happiness is your responsibility, don’t saddle someone else with it, don’t postpone it until conditions suit your needs, and don’t surrender it when you notice something you don’t approve of. - D.S. Luca
If a man means to be hard, let him keep in his saddle and speak from that height, above the level of pleading eyes, and with the command of a distant horizon. - George Eliot
If the world were a logical place, men would ride side saddle. - Rita Mae Brown
I prefer the saddle to the streetcar and star-sprinkled sky to a roof, the obscure and difficult trail leading into the unknown to any paved highway, and the deep peace of the wild to the discontent bread by cities... it is enough that I am surrounded by beauty. - Everett Ruess
The person in the saddle is not necessarily the one holding the reins. - D. Cypriani Regis
Politicians are like bad horsemen who are so preoccupied with staying in the saddle that they can’t bother about where they’re going. - Joseph Alois Schumpeter
Choosing friends based on how much money they have is like betting on a horse because you like its saddle. - Stephen Smoke