Quotation Explorer - 'Frightful'

An ugly baby is a very nasty object - and the prettiest is frightful. - Victoria Magazine
It is a frightful satire and an epigram on the modern age that the only use it knows for solitude is to make it a punishment, a jail sentence. - Søren Kierkegaard
Consider too, how deep the abyss between life and death; across this, my power can build a bridge, but it can never fill up the frightful chasm. - Johann Ludwig Tieck
Like one who, on a lonely road, Doth walk in fear and dread, And, having once turned round, walks on, And turns no more his head; Because he knows a frightful fiend Doth close behind him tread. - Coleridge's "Ancient Mariner. - Mary Shelley
Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal. - Hannah More
There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. - Henry Ford
Men are frightful nuisances at times; how much simpler life would be if we women did not have to make allowances for their little peculiarities. - Elizabeth Peters
The most frightful of all spectacles is the strength of the civilization without its mercy. - Winston S. Churchill
The writer’s life is frightful. I have experienced deep dispair, mental ill and attempt of suicide. - Lailah Gifty Akita
This is what we desire in intimate relationships but this deep connection is often so frightful that most do not take advantage of the opportunities presented for honesty. - David W. Earle
The writer’s life is frightful - Lailah Gifty Akita
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