when you are a child you unconsciously adopt certain beliefs. Yet, there comesthe necessity to upgrade these beliefs as you grow older. - Derric Yuh Ndim
Sometimes, you need to downgrade your dreams to upgrade your reality. - Jorge P. Guerrero
Don't downgrade your dreams to upgrade your relationships. - Matshona Dhliwayo
So reality your mother builds you a room in which to run and test, your father give you the stuff on which to handle. Tests and everything needed and you just upgrade yourself! - Deyth Banger
From Time to Time, Upgrade your list of Gratitude as well as your Bucket list. - Alaa Abd El-Salam
WATCH out for your surroundings, UPGRADE your mindset and keep FOCUS. - Surgeo Bell
If you wait until the next upgrade, you will never upgrade. - Wilson Alvarez
I like to think of innovation as upgrading your current self. This upgrade helps you to more effectively deal with changes happening around you and to be able to think in a more complex manner than before. - Daniel Willey
A wholesome mother knows the software to delete, download, upgrade and upload for the best results. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
It takes time, hard-work and a lot of sacrifices to upgrade a Curriculum Vitae,however the day you lose your honor in the society, it will take only few seconds to make it become useless. - m.k dindoyal