Quotation Explorer - 'Occupies'

The human mind naturally adapts itself to the position it occupies. The most gigantic intellect may be dwarfed by being cabin'd, cribbed and confined. It requires a great country and great circumstances to develop great men.
The author relates by way of illustration that the human heart contains both a throne and a cross. If we occupy the one, Jesus occupies the other. - A.W. Tozer
Our intellect holds the same position in the world of thought as our body occupies in the expanse of nature. - Blaise Pascal
CORPORAL, n. A man who occupies the lowest rung of the military ladder. Fiercely the battle raged and, sad to tell, Our corporal heroically fell! Fame from her height looked down upon the brawl And said: "He hadn't very far to fall." Giacomo Smith - Ambrose Bierce
Man is the result of slow growth; that is why he occupies the position he does in animal life. What does a pup amount to that has gained its growth in a few days or weeks, beside a man who only attains it in as many years. - Alexander Graham Bell
A mother's love is the morning sunshine that always enlightens our way. A mother occupies the most special place in our heart every moment of every day. I wish all mothers a very happy and brightest Mother's Day. - Debasish Mridha
Beware! devil occupies your soul with forbidden desires - Muhammad Anwar Jalil
PRIMATE, n. The head of a church, especially a State church supported by involuntary contributions. The Primate of England is the Archbishop of Canterbury, an amiable old gentleman, who occupies Lambeth Palace when living and Westminster Abbey when dead. He is commonly dead. - Ambrose Bierce
If a cloud occupies your mind, you are perplexed. The strategy to clear the cloud from your head is to enhance your weak areas that pertains to education. - Saaif Alam
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