Quotation Explorer - 'Maturing'

We need to forgive the adolescent versions of ourselves, if only because we need the practice to forgive those who are maturing awkwardly in our lives. - Madam Secretary
We often concentrate on the negative side of humanity. However, humanity is growing and maturing everyday and showing signs of a better future. - Debasish Mridha
Author challenges parents to bridge the gap with maturing, more independent kids with what he calls "Knock and Pray". He says parents should invite their kids to unscheduled times to "pray... big". - Jay Payleitner
Maturing is realizing how many things don’t require your comment. - Rachel Wolchin
LOGANIMITY, n. The disposition to endure injury with meek forbearance while maturing a plan of revenge. - Ambrose Bierce
Knowledge is like an endless resource; a well of water that satisfies the innate thirst of the growing human soul. Therefore never stop learning... because the day you do, you will also stop maturing. - Chidi Okonkwo
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