Quotation Explorer - 'Civility'

...civility doesn't require consensus or the suspension of criticism. It is simply the ability to disagree productively with others while respecting their sincerity and decency. - Ravi Iyer and Jonathan Haidt
To work best democracy needs a diversity of thoughts, ideas and expression. This is only possible with freedom and civility. - Kevin Stirtz
The arrangements that couples make in order to maintain civility in the midst of their journey to divorce are often most elaborate when the professed top priority is to protect a child. - John Irving
The time when freedom is no longer held in the highest regard is not during times of want or suffering, but during the era of civility, pleasure, and wealth. - Eric J. Martindale
When civility is illusory, war is inevitable. - Steve Maraboli
Civility costs nothing and buys everything. - Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
Civility sometimes requires polite ruthlessness. Establish that what you prize most is civility. - Jimmy Bise Jr.
Civility is not something that automatically happens. Civil societies come about because people want them to. - Jimmy Bise Jr.
Be wary of those propagating too much about liberty, ideology, and civility; they just might be oppressors in the making. - Aniruddha Sastikar
Aspire to decency. Practice civility toward one another. Admire and emulate ethical behavior wherever you find it. Apply a rigid standard of morality to your lives; and if, periodically, you fail ­ as you surely will ­ adjust your lives, not the standards. - Ted Koppel
Women’s status in society has become the standard by which humanity’s progress toward civility and peace can be measured.-Architects of Peace: Visions of Hope in Words and Images - Mahnaz Afkhami
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