Quotation Explorer - 'Visionaries'

Most people find it difficult to understand purely verbal concepts. [...] We employ visual and spatial metaphors for a great many everyday expressions [...] We are so visually biased that we call our wisest men visionaries! - McLuhan Marshal
A visionary is a leader of excellence who sees what others do not see, who achieves for now and plans for the future, who positively impacts different generations and raises up other visionaries. - Onyi Anyado
The difference between visionaries and dreamers is that visionaries make the dreams come true. - Walter R. Mueller
Living someone else's vision, is proclaiming death to your imparted destiny, and proclaiming life to the destiny of the visionaries pursuing their visions. - Wayne Chirisa
I believe the visionaries and true reflections of society will be rewarded after their lives. Those being rewarded now are giving the public what it needs now, usually applauding its current state and clearing consciences. - Hollace M. Metzger
Societies in decline have no use for visionaries. - Anaïs Nin
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