Quotation Explorer - 'Contain'

Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.) - Walt Whitman
It is not possible to be 'incidentally a Christian.' The fact of Christianity must be overwhelmingly first or nothing. This suggests a reason for the dislike of Christians by nominal or non-Christians: their lives contain no overwhelming first but many balances. - Sheldon Vanauken
The tears of my eyes watered your heart but failed to evoke a response from the barren grounds of what beats in you. They will still come and I will welcome them because they contain you. - Faraaz Kazi
We are brilliant shades of light, we can not be contained"-Boys of the Fatherless- - David C. Riggins
We are all a small part of a puzzle which contains billions of pieces. The puzzle cannot be complete without each and every one. - Sara Deuidicibus
There is no book so bad it does not contain something good. - Pliny
Advertisements... contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper. - Thomas Jefferson
Fight for your opinions, but do not believe that they contain the whole truth, or the only truth. - Charles A. Dana
While the bible is GOD because the word of GOD is GOD, please understand that GOD cannot be contained in the bible. To believe otherwise is to make an infinite GOD finite. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
Martial (the main character of LOCUS SOLUS) has a very interesting conception of literary beauty: the work must contain nothing real, no observations about the world or the mind, nothing but completely imaginary constructions. These are in themselves ideas from an extrahuman world. - Pierre Janet
My God! The English language is a form of communication! Conversation isn't just crossfire where you shoot and get shot at! Where you've got to duck for your life and aim to kill! Words aren't only bombs and bullets —no, they're little gifts, containing meanings! - Philip Roth
Ah, so that must have been her mystery: she had discovered a trail into the forest. Surely that was where she went during her absences. Returning with her eyes filled with gentleness & ignorance, eyes made whole. An ignorance so vast that inside it all the world's wisdom could be contained & lost. - Clarice Lispector
QUOTIENT, n. A number showing how many times a sum of money belonging to one person is contained in the pocket of another -- usually about as many times as it can be got there. - Ambrose Bierce
Advertisements contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper. - Mark Twain
Worse than that, however, was the CFO, a dapper-suited, neat-haired new age carapace containing an uninhibited misogynistic bogan, whose actual words to me, in concert with my boss in the same room were: 'To be successful you have to accept that weekends are for families. - Annabel Crabb
It may be that the fear contains information. Something can be interesting if you get to the other side of that fear. - Craig Ferguson
Lollypop...the passion contained merely kissesplaced upon lips, neck and cheekthese young lovers of the castleof which our fairytale speaks... - Muse
Truth cannot be hidden.Love cannot be contained. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Everything good is good because of the love it contains. - John K. Brown
I wonder, among all the tangles of this mortal coil, which one contains tighter knots to undo, and consequently suggests more tugging, and pain, and diversified elements of misery, than the marriage tie. - Edith Wharton
Rule #1 of Traveling-Don't even think of answering questions that contain the word "plan"? - Sanhita Baruah
All natural laws retain the balance contained within the scope of that law, no man made law can do this. It is better to understand the natural laws that govern society then to create man made laws that will not work. - R.A.Delmonico
When we try to contain reality, to define it, to write down its laws, we fail. We should recognise the universe its right to be unpredictable! - Rossana Condoleo Rossana Condoleo - www.rossanacondoleo.com
At my lemonade stand I used to give the first glass away free and charge five dollars for the second glass. The refill contained the antidote. - Emo Phillips
All pleasures contain an element of sadness. - Jonathan Eibeschutz
The human brain is unique in that it is the only container of which it can be said that the more you put into it, the more it will hold. - Glenn Doman
Was ever book containing such vile matter so fairly bound? O, that deceit should dwell in such a gorgeous palace! - William Shakespeare
A great library contains the diary of the human race. - George Mercer Dawson
Fear is a question: What are you afraid of, and why? Just as the seed of health is in illness, because illness contains information, your fears are a treasure house of self-knowledge if you explore them. - Marilyn Ferguson
God is represented as infinite, eternal, incomprehensible; he is contained under every predicate in non that the logic of ignorance could fabricate. - Percy Bysshe Shelley
You Christians look after a document containing enough dynamite to blow all civilisation to pieces, turn the world upside down and bring peace to a battle-torn planet. But you treat it as though it is nothing more than a piece of literature. - Mahatma Gandhi
the grace is being able to like rock music,symphony music, jazz …anything that contains the original energy ofjoy. - Charles Bukowski
the river sliding along its banks, darker now than the sky descending a last time to scatter its diamonds into these black waters that contain the day that passed, the night to come. Excerpt from the poem The Mercy - Philip Levine
Some words are sweet but unprotifable! Some are bitter but important. First weigh your words on the counter of integrity and speak not only because your words are sweet, but because they contain the truth! - Israelmore Ayivor
Darkness disturbedBy the haunting white moonlightGrey half clouds fail to containThe moon's lust for the night. - Sreesha Divakaran
Our archives are treasure troves - a testament to many lives lived and the complexity of the way we move forward. They contain clues to the real concerns of day-to-day life that bring the past alive. - Sara Sheridan
There is no reason to contain your positive thoughts, words and emotions and many reasons to control your negative ones. Are you making the right choices? - Tom Cunningham
The slope contains many wonders not found at the summit. - Marty Rubin
Prayer makes your heart bigger, until it is capable of containing the gift of God himself. Prayer begets faith, faith begets love, and love begets service on behalf of the poor. - Mother Teresa
Language is the armory of the human mind, and at once contains the trophies of its past and the weapons of its future conquests. - Samuel Taylor Coleridge
It is amazing that our souls -- our eternal essences, with all their hopes an dreams and visions of an eternal world -- are contained within these temporal bodies.
You kind of attribute this magic to music and as you meet the people you realize that they don’t contain the magic. They just channel it a little bit sometimes, but they never possess it. They never own it. - Kyle Morton
But the shadow is merely somewhat inferior, primitive, unadapted, and awkward; not wholly bad. It even contains childish or primitive qualities which would in a way vitalize and embellish human existence, but convention forbids! - C.G. Jung
It is this mythical, or rather symbolic, content of the religious traditions which is likely to come into conflict with science. This occurs whenever this religious stock of ideas contains dogmatically fixed statements on subjects which belong in the domain of science. - Albert Einstein
Here, in my solitude, I have the feeling that I contain too much humanity. - Ingmar Bergman
In a good bookroom you feel in some mysterious way that you are absorbing the wisdom contained in all the books through your skin, without even opening them. - Mark Twain
I read no newspaper now but Ritchie's, and in that chiefly the advertisements, for they contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper. - Thomas Jefferson
Until divinity decides to reveal the future to human kind, the sum of all human wisdom is contained in these two words: Wait and Hope. - Alexandre Dumas
Problems contain the seeds of our glory - Aniekee Tochukwu Ezekiel
The best of a book is not the thought which it contains, but the thought which it suggests; just as the charm of music dwells not in the tones but in the echoes of our hearts. - Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.
Do I contradict myself? Very well, then, I contradict myself; I am large -- I contain multitudes. - Walt Whitman
I write fiction not for my readers and not for myself. I write fiction for the sake of those odd heroic characters that are contained therein. They are counting on me as much as I am counting on them. - Nicholas Trandahl
Pain to contain oneself is much more than the pain to achieve his passion. - Loknath
The Universe contains three things that cannot be destroyed; Being, Awareness and LOVE - Deepak Chopra
My publisher told me that the number of readers of this book will be inversely proportional to the number of equations it contains. - Stephen Hawking
Sometimes, somehow...I feel that ocean contains tears of mother earth,that mourns over terrible great sin done by men. - Toba Beta
Every book contains a secret even the writer doesn't always know what it is. - Carla H. Krueger
The weird thing about houses is that they almost always look like nothing is happening inside of them, even though they contain most of our lives.
Our soul contains energy, transformed into Spirit, expressing dreams and thoughts through works of the mind. - Stacy Snapp Killian aka StacyK
Life contains but two tragedies. One is not to get your heart’s desire; the other is to get it. - Socrates
By reading quotes i realized that some of them containing simple words, but this simple words could change our lives.how if we read the holy Quran That has the best words , it will change our lives and Our death .Thank God that I was born Muslim - Abood Dweik
[...] the sense that everyone was incommunicado with everyone else and living on an entirely wrong plane, so that the meaning, the message, the love, or whatever it was that each life contained, never could find its expression. - Patricia Highsmith
Rivers, ponds, lakes and streams. They have different names but all contain water. Religions have different names, but all contain truth. - Muhammad Ali
And yet this self, containsTides, continents and stars―a myriad selves,Is small and solitary as one grass-bladePassed over by the windAmongst a myriad grasses on the prairie. - Cecil Day-Lewis
In India we never distinguished between history and myth. Our Puranas as well as Itihasas contain fantastical tales. They are lies that convey deeper truths. - Ashwin Sanghi
There's no reality except the one contained within us. That's why so many people live an unreal life. They take images outside them for reality and never allow the world within them to assert itself. - Hermann Hesse
People only get married when they've no other option, out of panic or desperation or so as not to lose someone they couldn't bear to lose. It's always the most conventional things that contain the largest measure of madness. - Javier Marías
The power to tax, once conceded, has no limits; it contains until it destroys.
All my stories are webs of style and none seems at first blush to contain much kinetic matter. For me style is matter. - Vladimir Nabokov
Let your autobiography contain these words; "I was able to think positively, love affectionately and work efficiently". Thinking, loving and working are what make us different from animals and trees. - Israelmore Ayivor
Religion is the state of being grasped by an ultimate concern, a concern which qualifies all other concerns as preliminary and which itself contains the answer to the question of a meaning of our life." - Paul Tillich
Once I came across two ideographs for the word "love." The first contained the root words "heart" and "hand" and "action"-love as hands and heart in action together. The other ideograph, for "passionate love," was formed of "heart," "to tell," and "a long thread. - Joy Kogawa
Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have.
Music and imagination are made of the same substance -they contain soulful substances that are more real than reality. - Aniekee Tochukwu Ezekiel
I have read the bible, seen its errors and perfections, but the bits of lie contained therein has contaminated the truth. - Michael Bassey Johnson
For writers it is always said that the first twenty years of life contain the whole of experience the rest is observation - Graham Greene
Books contain nothing, or almost nothing, that's important: everything is in the mind of the person reading them.'If you were trying to find an idiotic remark, that one took the cake! - Jacques Poulin
My preference is for prose with more silence in it, language that contains more pockets of strangeness. - Anthony Doerr
A farm is an irregular patch of nettles bounded by short-term notes, containing a fool and his wife who didn't know enough to stay in the city.
We are wise when we learn from one another. We are strong when we contain our impulses. We are honored when we honor others.
Write about small, self-contained incidents that are still vivid in your memory. If you remember them, it's because they contain a larger truth that your readers will recognize in their own lives. Think small and you'll wind up finding the big themes in your family saga. - William Zinsser
A wise human’s life contains several journeys among several experiences, each of them takes him/her to a new level of wisdom in which makes him/her refuses to return to how he/she was before that experience. - Sameh Elsayed
It is a kind of geisha containment, a shutteredness, a withdrawal and negation. It's as if she is capable of sensing when people are on the point of knowing who she is and she sends them a subliminal denial. - Deirdre Madden
‎"But when I fell in love with black, it contained all color. It wasn’t a negation of color. It was an acceptance. Because black encompasses all colors. Black is the most aristocratic color of all.... You can be quiet and it contains the whole thing." Happy birthday to (1899-1988)! - Louise Nevelson
It is precisely by binding things together that traditional visions perpetuate themselves and the prejudgments contained within them; and it is by insisting on prising things apart that we have liberated ourselves from them - Ernest Gellner
The desire for freedom resides in every human heart. And that desire cannot be contained forever by prison walls, or martial laws, or secret police. Over time, and across the Earth, freedom will find a way. - George W. Bush
The last we heard of him was a picture postcard from Mazatlan, on the Pacific coast of Mexico, containing a message of two words: "Hello - Goodbye!" and no address. - Tennessee Williams
Some experimenters have reported that an angry face pops out of a crowd of happy faces, but a single happy face does not stand out in an angry crowd. The brains of humans and other animals contain a mechanism that is designed to give priority to bad news. - Daniel Kahneman
The body often contains emotional truths that words can too easily gloss over. - Esther Perel
I am persuaded that our intellects at twenty contain all the truths we shall ever find - W.B. Yeats
We inhereit from our ancestors gifts so often taken for granted... Each of us contains within... this inheritance of soul. We are links between the ages, containing past and present expectations, sacred memories and future promise. - Edward Sellner
You can not have empty or neutral mind, as long as you work the mind will contain dreams, if you stop working it will contain regrets. - Amit Kalantri
Sometimes I feel that what used to be once casual conversations between friends are now being substituted with forced conversations containing none of the warmth it possessed earlier. It's better to not have any conversation at all than have forced conversations. - Adhish Mazumder
Ignorance is toxic. If a man hands you a cup of coffee and pours in what he calls liquid sugar when the container clearly says poison, how bliss is your ignorance? - James Jean-Pierre
Horror on earth is real and it is every day. It is like a flower or like the sun; it cannot be contained.
My art is an act of creation and destruction, with all the sorrow and joy these engender as well as all the shadow and light these contain. - Kathryn V. White
The identity you're craving for is an illusion; your true nature has no identity, you're the universe -you contain all things! - Aniekee Tochukwu Ezekiel
Time is to clock as mind is to brain. The clock or watch somehow contains the time. And yet time refuses to be bottled up like a genie stuffed in a lamp. Whether it flows as sand or turns on wheels within wheels, time escapes irretrievably, while we watch. - Dava Sobel
My vocal chords fought to contain the memories that leaked out; I felt the weight off it all pressing down on me. - Jake Wood
Angels only care about what you look like on the inside. A pure heart is the vessel that contains a soul's true beauty. - Molly Friedenfeld
Number of empty Ben & Jerry's containers: 3 -- two mint chocolate cookie, one plain vanilla. (Who buys plain vanilla ice cream from Ben & Jerry's, anyway? Is there a greater waste?) - Ally Carter
If either man or woman would realize that the full power of personal beauty, it must be by cherishing noble thoughts and hopes and purposes; by having something to do and something to live for that is worthy of humanity, and which, by expanding and symmetry to the body which contains it.
In my experience, there is only one motivation, and that is desire. No reasons or principle contain it or stand against it. - Jane Smiley
The purpose of suffering is to contain the light of your desire until you see yourself in everything. - Eric Micha'el Leventhal
I tried to contain myself... but I escaped! - Gary Paulsen
What can a little town teach you? It can teach you how a little place already contains the whole features of the entire world! - Mehmet Murat ildan
A story is a really weird art object that should contain life but not be enslaved by the banality. - George Saunders
It is not you as the ego who moves through life, but that life flows before you, and you are the immutable awareness containing it all. - Enza Vita
The city, however, does not tell its past, but contains it like the lines of a hand - Italo Calvino
All the joy the world contains has come through wishing happiness for others. All the misery the world contains has come through wanting pleasure for oneself. Is there need for lengthy explanation? - Dalai Lama XIV
Every challenge, every adversity, contains within it the seeds of opportunity and growth. - Roy Bennett
The kiss grew into so much more than anything that had come before, unfettered by a time that strived to contain passion, born from perceived loss and glorious gain. - Susan Catalano
I spend as much time as I can sketching from nature, Dartmoor contains such a rich variety of landscape, as many boulders, foaming rivers and twisted trees as my heart could ever desire. . . . When I look into a river, I feel I could spend a whole lifetime just painting that river. - Alan Lee
I am just mystified by these people telling me I would think Obama was doing a great job if his skin contained less melanin. - Jonah Goldberg
I write because, as wonderful as life is - and it is truly wonderful - it isn't enough. It does not, for example, contain dragons. I find this unsatisfactory. So I read. And I write. - Laini Taylor
To speak of mystery in a Christian sense means that the human mind is finite and not fully able to understand, deduce or even contain the deep structures of God's reality. - Tobin Wilson
I stood and looked at the large framed painting of the Pierrot clown that hung on her wall and sympathised with the tears that rolled down its cheek. Like the clown, I felt contained within a frame, the only difference being my tears were not for public show. - Eileen Munroe
The greatest treasure chest is the heart that contains love. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Human experience always contains both pain and joy. One of the reasons we can be confident that Christianity is actually true is it allows us to make sense of both aspects of the world. Of both beauty and pain. - Holly Ordway
A wise man's question contains half the answer. - Solomon Ibn Gabirol
A broken soul is not the absence of beauty, but a cracked and torn soul reeks of the sweet incense it contains. - C. JoyBell C.
To contain my love, my one mortal heart cannot; for another heart if had, in its entirety would I love you and you only. - Solomon Debisette
Woman, especially her sexuality, provides the object of endless commentary , description, supposition. But the result of all the telling only deepens the enigma and makes woman's erotic force something that male storytelling can never quite explain or contain. - Peter Brooks
Are women human yet? If women were human, would we be a cash crop shipped from Thailand in containers into New York's brothels...? Would our genitals be sliced out to "cleanse" us...? When will women be human? When? ~ Half The Sky - Catherine Mackinnon
Since there is no real silence, Silence will contain all the sounds, All the words, all the languages, All knowledge, all memory. - Dejan Stojanovic
The author relates by way of illustration that the human heart contains both a throne and a cross. If we occupy the one, Jesus occupies the other. - A.W. Tozer
..books look as if they contain knowledge, while e-readers look as if they contain information. - Julian Barnes
The only use of a knowledge of the past is to equip us for the present. The present contains all that there is. It is holy ground; for it is the past, and it is the future. - Alfred North Whitehead
It's important that someone celebrate our existence... People are the only mirror we have to see ourselves in. The domain of all meaning. All virtue, all evil, are contained only in people. There is none in the universe at large. Solitary confinement is a punishment in every human culture. - Lois McMaster Bujold
A house is no home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body. - Margaret Fuller
...prose unfolds in time; and time contains both obstacles and revelations. Prose develops, the way characters and situations do. It requires a flow. A poem is an instant, lightning across the sky. Prose is before the storm, the storm, after the storm. - Molly Peacock
So long as the universe had a beginning, we could suppose it had a creator. But if the universe is really completely self-contained, having no boundary or edge, it would have neither beginning nor end: it would simply be. What place, then, for a creator? - Stephen Hawking
The Queen is most anxious to enlist everyone in checking this mad, wicked folly of ``Women's Rights.'' It is a subject which makes the Queen so furious that she cannot contain herself.
We may say that the characters in fairytales are ‘good to think with’…[and that] the job of the fairytale is to show that Why? questions cannot be answered except in one way: by telling the stories. The story does not contain the answer, it is the answer. - Brian Wicker
Don’t complain about difficult situations. They contain in them the motivation to succeed. - Chinonye J. Chidolue
Our Heavenly Father did not form us and place us on this planet so that we would manage on our own. Neither does the popular saying, God helps those who help themselves, hold any water. The Truth is we all need help. Those who look strong and contained on the outside may not be so on the inside. - Eve Juurik
It's better to have a million small religions with each one containing a great truth. Than one great religion containing a million small truths. - Carla VanKoughnett
The aquariums of the imagination contain only dead fish. - Marty Rubin
Yes, books are dangerous. They should be dangerous - they contain ideas. - Pete Hautman
What a myth never contains is the critical power to separate its truth from its errors. - Walter Lippmann
A short saying oft contains much wisdom. - Sophocles
The sum of all human wisdom is contained in these two words: Wait and Hope.
Time present and time past are both perhaps present in time future and time future contained in time past. If all time is eternally present all time is unredeemable.
When things do not go your way, remember that every challenge every adversity contains within it the seeds of opportunity and growth. - Roy T. Bennett
Your mind contains great capital.Your heart contains extraordinary riches.Your soul contains remarkable treasure.Your life contains marvelous wealth. - Matshona Dhliwayo
There is the will of the people; there is the will of the mind! Always be at the side of the second one! The first one contains mostly stupidity; the second one contains always intelligence. - Mehmet Murat ildan
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, most Merciful. Praise be to AllahThe Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds: Most Gracious, Most Merciful; Master of the Day of Judgment. (First Chapter from the Quran, Al Fatiha, which every Muslim prayer contains and begins with, but in Arabic) - Our Creator
Everyone is a different book, with a different cover, different contain but the question is do you dare to open it? - Deyth Banger
All the joy the world contains has come through wishing happiness through others. All the misery the world contains has come through wanting pleasure for oneself. Is there need for lengthy explanation? - Dalai Lama XIV
The Lesson is Life and Life is the Lesson, and the Lesson does not contain a single Atom. - RSD
If a `religion' is defined to be a system of ideas that contains unprovable statements, then Godel taught us that mathematics is not only a religion, it is the only religion that can prove itself to be one. - John D. Barrow
Any proposition containing the word "is" creates a linguistical structural confusion which will eventually give birth to serious fallacies. - Alfred Korzybski
The word 'listen' contains the same letters as the word 'silent'. - Alfred Brendel
An old racetrack joke reminds you that your program contains all the winners' names. I stare at my typewriter keys with the same thought. - Mignon McLaughlin
Of all the inanimate objects, of all men's creations, books are the nearest to us for they contain our very thoughts, our ambitions, our indignations, our illusions, our fidelity to the truth, and our persistent leanings to error. But most of all they resemble us in their precious hold on life. - Joseph Conrad
All literature and popular art contain themes that resonate with the audience. - Daniel Lambert
What is the meaning to this life? is a wrong question? A blank paper doesn’t contain any meaning till we don’t write anything meaningful on it. Similarly this universe doesn’t contain any meaning without this beautiful life. So life gives meaning to this universe and we should respect it. - Brajesh Kumar
The world is a better place to live in because it contains human beings who will give up ease and security and stake their own lives in order to do what they themselves think worth doing. - Walter Lippmann
Human nature is like water. It takes the shape of its container. - Wallace Stevens
All of the books in the world contain no more information than is broadcast as video in a single large American city in a single year. Not all bits have equal value. - Carl Sagan
Chicken Soup: An ancient miracle drug containing equal parts of aureomycin, cocaine, interferon, and TLC. The only ailment chicken soup can't cure is neurotic dependence on one's mother.
The deeper sorrow carves into your being the more joy you can contain. - Kahlil Gibran
Everything you think, feel, say, and do contains seeds of more of itself. - Alan Cohen
Everything I do is going to contain the message that men who are going to be comfortable with powerful women are going to be more powerful men - Joss Whedon
To some extent a life of celibacy is a picture of how all of us are to live, containing our passions for God’s purposes. - Eric Metaxas
The Ten Commandments contain 297 words, the Bill of Rights 463 words, and Lincoln's Gettysburg Address 266 words. A recent federal directive regulating the price of cabbage contains 26,911 words.
The Bible contains six admonishments to homosexuals and 362 admonishments to heterosexuals. That doesn't mean that God doesn't love heterosexuals. It's just that they need more supervision.
Practice silence and you will acquire silent knowledge. In this silent knowledge is a computing system that is far more precise and far more accurate and far more powerful than anything that is contained in the boundaries of rational thought. - Deepak Chopra
What can oppose the decline of the west is not a resurrected culture but the utopia that is silently contained in the image of its decline. - Theodor W. Adorno
I would request that my body in death be buried not cremated, so that the energy content contained within it gets returned to the earth, so that flora and fauna can dine upon it, just as I have dined upon flora and fauna during my lifetime - Neil deGrasse Tyson
Life is and will ever remain an equation incapable of solution, but it contains certain known factors. - Nikola Tesla
Our stories always contain average, ordinary people. They are the most unsuspecting victims of all. - D.J. Weaver
The secret of joy in work is contained in one word - excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it. - Pearl Buck
my blog, a boat that contains my perceptions + truths; set to sail on an endless journey into eternity. - The Nyghtlie Poet
The Highest Thought is always that thought which contains joy. The Clearest Words are those words which contain truth. The Grandest Feeling is that feeling which you call love. - Neale Donald Walsch
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