Quotation Explorer - 'Karen Gibbs'

Never try to hide the real you. Be yourself and stand up for what you believe in. Question what other people tell you, think things though. Never regret your mistakes as there's a reason for everything.Grudges are toxic and heavy to bear. Let them go, learn from everything and continue to grow. - Karen Gibbs
I am confident in my FAITH because I know the character of God and am assured by the love and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ - Karen Gibbs
Don't spend your days sitting around waiting for something to happen. Get outside and make it happen!Live like a warrior, be at one with nature, fearless in the moment....because this moment will never happen again so don't waste it! - Karen Gibbs
Congratulations on surviving life up to this point. All the trials, heartaches, deceptions, sorrows and anxieties...You've come through all the adversity and are still here to tell the tale! you are quite simply, brilliant! - Karen Gibbs
Be a reflection of what you want to receive. TRUST is the beginning of CONNECTION - Karen Gibbs
You know it never ceases to amaze me how people twist your words.I used to et it bother me that I was so misunderstood, but now I realise, I can tell a lot about people by what they CHOOSE to see in me - Karen Gibbs
When someone hurts you over and over, ask yourself, WHY DO YOU LET THEM? - Karen Gibbs
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