Quotation Explorer - 'Ron Brackin'

No one can take credit for inspiration or creativity. - Ron Brackin
If we were able to distill all human experience to its essence, it would be a question on the lips of a man named Jesus. As he asked Peter, he asks all mankind, "Who do you say that I am?" "Our idea of God," observed Thomas Merton, "tells us more about ourselves than about Him. - Ron Brackin
The right to choose does not mean the choice is right. - Ron Brackin
Followers of Jesus do well to spend more time engaging him than explaining him. - Ron Brackin
Writers block occurs when a writer has nothing to say. Unfortunately not all writers experience it. - Ron Brackin
Nothing conquers the chaos around me like the calm assurance that I am at peace with God. - Ron Brackin
We praise God, not because he needs our praise (for all glory resides in and on him), but in order to see him more clearly, enlarge our soul, and relieve our spirit. - Ron Brackin
Who but the Christian, among the religions of the world and throughout time, worships a God who loves him so much that he died an agonizing and wretched death to pay for his sins? - Ron Brackin
If sex is a skill, with its attendant expectations, frustrations, and failures, you are graded on performance; if it is an expression of love and commitment, you are not graded at all. - Ron Brackin
Confusion and doubt are an important part of faith. - Ron Brackin
Courtship is driven by hormones; marriage is sustained by humility and self-sacrifice. - Ron Brackin
Man's strongest instinct is not sex or self-preservation. it's to level the playing field. - Ron Brackin
While many people are proud of being self-made, it only explains all the flaws. - Ron Brackin
America is a post-Christian nation only in the sense that we have built a tenement on the foundation of a palace. - Ron Brackin
Do what you will, but never out of fear. - Ron Brackin
An individual who delights at all in the beauty of language does well to avoid becoming an attorney or a legislator. - Ron Brackin
Progressive. n. One who is unable to distinguish between novelty and enlightenment. - Ron Brackin
The artist is the only one qualified to criticize his art, because only the artist knows what he was trying to express and how satisfied he is with the attempt. - Ron Brackin
Faith is such a wonderful thing. Without it, we would be panicky when we feel like we're standing alone and when the things we need and yearn for seem to be beyond our reach. - Ron Brackin
One difference between the Bible and the Constitution is that we can still talk to the author of the Bible to discover original intent. - Ron Brackin
Science can neither prove nor disprove Scripture; it can hope only to begin to understand it. - Ron Brackin
Complete honesty is not the same thing as full disclosure. - Ron Brackin
The more we thank God, the less we ask of him. - Ron Brackin
Greed and Lust never say, "Enough! - Ron Brackin
Mankind's first sin gave us the ability to know both good and evil. Our subsequent sins make us increasingly unable to tell the difference. - Ron Brackin
Lust is insatiable, whether it feeds on power, wealth, or flesh. It eventually consumes our morality and ultimately consumes our humanity. - Ron Brackin
One problem with today's culture is that we defend too many rights and ignore too many wrongs. - Ron Brackin
Gray areas are just the inability to distinguish between darkness and light. - Ron Brackin
Save the trees! Return to the gold standard! - Ron Brackin
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