Quotation Explorer - 'T Jay Taylor'

If it were easy it would not be any fun. - T Jay Taylor
The greatest reward for your actions is not the respect you gain from others but the respect you gain for yourself. - T Jay Taylor
When you anticipate adversity, you can then plan for adversity. You may never gain control of it, but you can keep it from controlling you. - T Jay Taylor
Standards are not established by your proclamations they are established by your routines. - T Jay Taylor
Today I speak the truth as I know it to be, tomorrow I may know better. - T Jay Taylor
A man’s most valuable possession is his integrity. Unless he has no integrity. In which case, he may not have much of anything of value. - T Jay Taylor
If you're looking for the easy challenge, you're not cut out for success. - T Jay Taylor
A fear of losing, of failure is a fear of success. - T Jay Taylor
It's never easy when you're constantly looking to become more. - T Jay Taylor
Once you discover that failure is survivable, your fear of it subsides. Failure is not opposite to success, just part of its process. - T Jay Taylor
Leadership: Converting dreams into goals and goals into success. - T Jay Taylor
Progress is the only road going there. - T Jay Taylor
Leadership is giving out far more than one expects in direct return. The rewards are intangible, yet priceless. - T Jay Taylor
Progress has a steep price. Success has an even steeper price. Your team won't be willing to pay it if you aren't willing to pay it. - T Jay Taylor
Our customers are not our competitors. We compete for them, not with them. - T Jay Taylor
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