Quotation Explorer - 'Waylon H. Lewis'

The best way to get through any challenge is to step back, look up at the sky, breathe deeply in and out, smile if you have to…then dive in. - Waylon H. Lewis
Meditate five minutes each morning and see it wake up your entire life. - Waylon H. Lewis
Want to enjoy an restful day? Wake up, turn your phone on, meditate, look at the sky—then toss your phone into the bushes. - Waylon H. Lewis
Want to get more done? Keep meditation #1 on your to-do list. - Waylon H. Lewis
Next time someone tells you to smile for the camera, & you don’t feel like it—say no, thanks. Don’t fake your way into a happy-seeming life. Open vulnerable honesty is true positivity. - Waylon H. Lewis
Defeated? Learn from it. Move forward. You're stronger now. Reach out for help. No shame, only learning. Seek out those you can learn from. - Waylon H. Lewis
True efficiency is taking some time to be fully first thing in the morning. Rushing isn’t always efficient. - Waylon H. Lewis
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