Keep on doing whatever it is that you have been doing; but, do no attachment-abhorrence. If ‘You’ stay in ‘Your [Pure Soul] state’; attachment-abhorrence will not occur. - Dada Bhagwan
Once an opinion is formed, there will be attachment-abhorrence. A person without opinion is also without attachment-abhorrence. - Dada Bhagwan
The mind doesn’t harass you; your attachment-abhorrence harasses you! - Dada Bhagwan
When there is no attachment-abhorrence; one is on the path of liberation [moksha]. - Dada Bhagwan
Whatever work you do in this world; the work itself has no value. If there is attachment-abhorrence behind that work, then only you are responsible for the next life. You are not responsible if attachment-abhorrence don’t occur. - Dada Bhagwan
Attachment-abhorrence is the foundation for the worldly life and the foundation for ‘Knowledge’ is a state free of all attachments (vitragta). - Dada Bhagwan
Physical pleasures are not associated with attachment-abhorrence; the belief in an opinion itself is attachment-abhorrence. - Dada Bhagwan
Awareness (of the Self) prevails in matters where one becomes attachment-free (vitrag), and where one has attachment-abhorrence, there his awareness will not prevail. - Dada Bhagwan
Attachment-abhorrence is an ‘effect’ and ignorance (of the self) is the ‘cause’! - Dada Bhagwan