Quotation Explorer - 'Commitments'

As so many commitments demand your timeOr your shut-eye important be,Your attraction to me must in some way lack,Such a pity to spend time on thee. - Charlotte M. Liebel
Facts and values are entangled in science. It's not because scientists are biased, not because they are partial or influenced by other kinds of interests, but because of a commitment to reason, consistency, coherence, plausibility and replicability. These are value commitments. - Alva Noë
Working with plants will teach you all other social commitments in a soothing way... - Karthikeyan V
Caring nature is the best commitments you can do for your feature!!! - Karthikeyan V
Commitments are obviously made by people who can keep their word not like the losers who just keep promising… - - - Cocoy McCoy
The character to follow thru on commitments made to others is built by following thru on commitments made to self. - Orrin Woodward
Don't make excuses. Make commitments and stick to them. - Germany Kent
Honor your commitments, it is not always a fun thing to do, but that is what maturity does best. - Efrat Cybulkiewicz
Everybody makes mistakes, but when the same ones become consistent, they are commitments. - Peggy Randall-Martin
Jesus does not demand of us higher standards, he offers us himself. Jesus does not require of us super-human ability or commitments. He gives us his ability and grace. - Ronnie McBrayer
In a world filled with flaky people, those that honor commitments and do what they say STAND-OUT. Integrity is currency. - Matthew Loop
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