Quotation Explorer - 'Fishes'

Only those who ignore d sea waves&tides to fish in deep waters can have abundance of fishes to feed their generation. - Olojo Daniel Olatunji
One cannot make bargains for blissesOr catch them like fishes in netsAnd sometimes the things that life misses Help more than the things that it gets. - Alice Carey
One who fishes in shallow waters limits the kind of fish he can catch. - Matshona Dhliwayo
If Eve was inferior to Adam because she was created after him, then Adam was inferior to the fishes, because they preceded him. - Lillie Devereux Blake
There were plenty of fishes in the pond,yet i fell in love with a crocodile. - Anjum Choudhary
We have flown the air like birds and swum the seas like fishes, but have yet to learn the simple act of walking the earth like brothers. - Martin Luther King Jr.
If wishes were fishes, then we would all cast nets. - Frank Herbert
If the universe has an end, it means we are captive fishes in an aquarium! If it has no end, we are lost sheep in the eternal darkness! - Mehmet Murat ildan
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