Quotation Explorer - 'Gratefully'

When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed. - Maya Angelou
Summer rushes in on the heels of spring, eager to take her turn; and then she dances with wild abandon. But the time soon comes when she gratefully falls, exhausted and sated, into the auburn arms of autumn. - Cristen Rodgers
I write to be a part of something - a world made up of words and ideas, which are sometimes painfully criticized, gratefully loved and can never be destroyed. - Ashley Sanders
Best friends are treasures. Hug them for their caring. Applaud their accomplishments. Laugh with them gratefully. - Amy Leigh Mercree
Live gratefully. Express it constantly. Expect abundance. - Pooja Ruprell
If you must look back, do so forgivingly. If you must look forward, do so prayerfully. However, the wisest thing you can do is be present in the present... gratefully. - Maya Angelou
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