Quotation Explorer - 'Transmits'

Conversation is the sexiest foreplay, the perfect prelude to sex, the fiery banter that gets you heated, the stimulation of the mind that transmits to the body. Conversation is a give and take. Just like sex itself. And the best give and takes the best conversations lead to the best sex. - Zara Barrie
Honesty transmits loudly in silence. - Jay Mark Mateo Balmes
The road that connects our thoughts to the ears of others is our tongue. What travel on this road is our word. Our action is the energy which transmits our emotions to the eyes of others and causes a great change in their minds - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
We're eye doctors.""What's something about the eye that most people don't realize?""The eye doesn't see. The brain sees. The eye just transmits. So what we see isn't only determined by what comes through the eyes. What we see is affected by our memories, our feelings, and by what we've seen before. - Brandon Stanton
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