Quotation Explorer - 'Wich'

Laws decide wich forms of oppression are allowed, Lord. And because of that, those laws are servants to those in power, for whom oppression is given as a right over those who have little or no power. - Steven Erikson
Katniss Everdeen, you have caused a spark, wich left unattended, may cause a spark that could cause a whole rebelion - Suzanne Collins
Fate has a way of putting in front of us, that wich we most try to leave behind. - Mozzie white collar
Leave the world in better conditions in wich you found it. - Baden Powell
There will always be a down but also always an up, your moods depends on wich of the two you pay the most attention to. - Laurins
Never stop screaming, playing and laughing, it's part of our childhood wich will always be with us. - Romina Noriega
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