Quotation Explorer - 'Charlotte'

Books aren't just booksthey're a completely different worldin the palm of your hands - Charlotte
Already she knew that an idea could pain him like a bruise. He had grey eyes that showed every thought, and sometimes Charlotte worried that he might be hurt in some way that she would not be able to prevent. - Lauren Owen
[Who are the artists you admire, Surrealist or otherwise?]Remedios Varo, Max Ernst, Charlotte Salomon, Goya, Aubrey Beardsley. Beardsley is not so much about the impossible as he is about freaks and deformities, but those are interesting to me too. - Audrey Niffenegger
Literature cannot be the business of a woman's life, and it ought not to be.(Southey's reply to Charlotte Bronte) - Robert Southey
Her two outstanding characteristics were self-confidence and candor. The latter sometimes got her into hot water Durrance later told Charlotte, but the former kept it from scalding her. - Olive Higgins Prouty
OvermodulationBy Charlotte M Liebel-FawlsYou're a cavity in my oasis,You're a porthole in my sea,You're a stretch of the imagination every time you look at me.You're an ocean in my wineglass,You're a Steinway on the beach,You're a captivating audience, an exciting Rembrandt,A Masterpiece. - Charlotte M. Liebel
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