Quotation Explorer - 'Leo Rosten'

The purpose of life is not to be happy—but to matter, to be productive, to be useful, to have it make some difference that you lived at all. - Leo Rosten
I never cease being dumbfounded by the unbelievable things people believe. - Leo Rosten
If you're going to do something wrong, at least enjoy it. - Leo Rosten
I learned that it is the weak who are cruel, and that gentleness is to be expected only from the strong. - Leo Rosten
Extremists think "communication" means agreeing with them. - Leo Rosten
Most men do not mature, they simply grow taller. - Leo Rosten
I cannot believe that the purpose of life is (merely) to be happy. I think the purpose of life is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate. I think it is above all to matter, to count, to stand for something. To have it make some difference that you lived at all. - Leo Rosten
For some not to be martyrs is martyrdom indeed. - Leo Rosten
The only reason for being a professional writer is that you can't help it. - Leo Rosten
Anybody who hates dogs and babies can't be all bad. - Leo Rosten
If you are going to do something wrong at least enjoy it. - Leo Rosten
Acting is a form of deception, and actors can mesmerize themselves almost as easily as an audience. - Leo Rosten
If at first you don't succeed, before you try again, stop to figure out what you did wrong. - Leo Rosten
Money can't buy happiness, but neither can poverty. - Leo Rosten
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