Quotation Explorer - 'Mac Canoza'

God will never delay His promise.You have delayed Him. - Mac Canoza
WORSHIP IS ACTION.""Worship is not lazy, boring and sad.Worship is zealous, famous and joyful. - Mac Canoza
You are not forever in the dark. Look up. There's the Light. - Mac Canoza
WORSHIP LEADERSHIP.Mere talents does not give glory to God but a humble heart. - Mac Canoza
I NEVER KNEW YOU.Only those who do not practice sin can stand in the presence of the holy God.1 John 3:6No one who remains in Him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has seen Him or known Him. - Mac Canoza
Jesus came to give his righteousness not to condemn the unrighteous. - Mac Canoza
Live life to the fullest or foolest. - Mac Canoza
WORSHIP IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH."Only those who obey the word of truth can truly worship God in spirit. - Mac Canoza
People before Profit. - Mac Canoza
Only those who do not practice sin can stand in the presence of the holy God." -"I NEVER KNEW YOU - Mac Canoza
Only God is good.""We can make good works,We can be called good folksWe can do good,but we cannot be good. - Mac Canoza
WHEN SIN HINDERS YOUR WORSHIP.God will never delay His promise.You have delayed Him."..However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?" Luke 18:8b - Mac Canoza
Worship is forever. - Mac Canoza
We cannot please all men but we can be a blessing to many. - Mac Canoza
I NEVER KNEW YOU."Only those who do not practice sin can stand in the presence of the holy God. - Mac Canoza
Mere talents does not give glory to God but a humble heart. - Mac Canoza
Character is a course, finish it. - Mac Canoza
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