Quotation Explorer - 'Forte'

I don't play accurately-any one can play accurately- but I play with wonderful expression. As far as the piano is concerned, sentiment is my forte. I keep science for Life. - Oscar Wilde
Sobre a nudez forte da verdade -- o manto diáfono da fantasia. - Eça de Queirós
Dove la moralità è troppo forte l'intelletto perisce. - Friedrich Nietzsche
How can someone vouch for your credit worthiness when you don't borrow;not borrowing is one of the unhealthiest habit one can develop , borrowing is healthy & rewarding is it when you borrow to invest:leveraging is part of every yearning investors forte - Ishmael Osolo
A xente boa veu ao mundo para foderse, a mala anda por pisando forte. (p. 166) - Manuel Rivas
Un impératif de départ, c’est l’initialisation avec comme levier la formalisation d’une vision forte qui doit être comprise et partagée. En outre, un concept clé est celui de domaine d’action stratégique pertinent qui doit être cerné et défini, par diverses méthodes d’analyse... - Abdou Karim GUEYE Ecrivain Le Coeur et l'Esprit
Invece eccoci qui insieme, soddisfatti e sereni, ricchi e famosi, con un rapporto col sesso decisamente normale come bere un caffè: infatti ci piaceva forte e caldo, da consumare preferibilmente parecchie volte al giorno - Ilan Asmes
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