Quotation Explorer - 'Evy Michaels'

The first step to healing is to make peace with your scars - Evy Michaels
Every time I converse with you, I feel closer to home - Evy Michaels
Love is thicker than blood, its blind to color, it is its own culture - Evy Michaels
I am not a prisoner to be locked up in people's ideologies, I am not a criminal to be locked up in your mind, I am a free spirit and I make no apologies for it - Evy Michaels
If you judge art by its cover, then you efface the very essence of it - Evy Michaels
Like seeds we start small, grow together and stand tall - Evy Michaels
A smile is a God given sun that lights up our lives in the midst of darkness - Evy Michaels
Sometimes you need to stop fighting to stop drowning - Evy Michaels
Helping a parent makes you their child, helping a sibling makes you a brother or a sister, helping a friend makes you a good friend, but helping a stranger; that is what makes you human - Evy Michaels
Weird is the new cool and normal the new boring; Stay weird - Evy Michaels
You will not be able to envision your future until you block out the words of those who constantly scorch you with discouraging remarks - Evy Michaels
My life has become like a bus, and I'm just watching it pass by - Evy Michaels
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