Quotation Explorer - 'Martha N. Beck'

...they needed someone to explain, to spin, the parts of the tale that couldn't be suppressed. Someone reputable and educated. Someone brilliant yet absolutely committed to the faith. Someone like my father. - Martha N. Beck
...Refusing to feel desire is the only thing more painful than failing to get what you want, and that learning not to yearn, far from preventing disappointment, ultimately guarantees it. - Martha N. Beck
You'll never be hurt as much by being open as you have been remaining closed. - Martha N. Beck
They decided to allow their baby to be born. What they did not realize is that they themselves were the ones who would be 'born,' infants in a new world where magic is commonplace, Harvard professors are the slow learners, and retarded babies are the master teachers. - Martha N. Beck
...he is constantly reminding me that real magic doesn't come from achieving the perfect appearance, from being Cinderella at the ball with both glass slippers and a killer hairstyle. The real magic is in the pumpkin, in the mice, in the moonlight; not beyond ordinary life, but within it. - Martha N. Beck
It comes from looking at the heart of things, from stopping to smell not only the roses but the bushes as well. It is a quality of attention to ordinary life that is so loving and intimate it is almost worship. - Martha N. Beck
It reminds me that we are born innocent but ignorant, and that to remedy the second of these conditions we inevitably surrender the first. - Martha N. Beck
It is a frightening thing to love someone you know the world rejects. - Martha N. Beck
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