Quotation Explorer - 'Noel Dejesus'

Failure is the ultimate motivator, the supreme teacher, and the definitive guarantee of life. Failure is what makes success so addictive. - Noel DeJesus
Those who envy the success of others are normally ignorant to the sacrifices, failures, and dedication that it took for them to get there. - Noel DeJesus
Stress builds character and failure breeds motivation. I guess I'm a Optimist. - Noel DeJesus
Success is mesmerizing, and blinding. Sometimes you need good old fashion failure to open your eyes. - Noel DeJesus
Today you are no longer a victor nor victim of the past and future, today is completely independent, there are no restrictions; except for the ones you place upon yourself. - Noel DeJesus
I keep a vivid memory of failure in my back pocket, so no matter how much I accomplish I stay grounded. - Noel DeJesus
Thoughts are free, talk is cheap, and action is expensive. What's your worth? - Noel DeJesus
Resist the short term temptation of procrastination; the immediate pleasure and relief that it brings does not fair in comparison to the long lasting damage it does to your dreams and goals. - Noel DeJesus
Your men will not take the hill if you're simply yelling commands from the safety of the rear. - Noel DeJesus
Time, energy, and focus; these are the resources at your disposal each and every day. - Noel DeJesus
Today I will work when others procrastinate, I will confront my fears when others hide from theirs, and I will create solutions when others find excuses; today I refuse to allow my enemies to out work me. - Noel DeJesus
The successes and failures of yesterday are gone, today is a new day. - Noel DeJesus
There is no tomorrow and there was no yesterday; if you truly want to accomplish your goals you must engulf yourself in today. - Noel DeJesus
If you scared, say you scared, and if not then push yourself off of that wall and step into the darkness. That's where success is, get up out of that comfort zone, you'll be surprised what you can achieve! - Noel DeJesus
Relax your fears, let your ambition take the wheel for a while; it'll take you somewhere exciting that you've never been. - Noel DeJesus
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