Quotation Explorer - 'Ted Hughes'

Wadsworth MoorWhere the millstone of skyGrinds light and shadow so purple-fineAnd has ground it so longGrinding the skin off the earthEarth bleeds her raw true darknessA land naked now as a woundThat the sun swabs and dabsWhere the miles of agony are numbnessAnd harebell and heather a euphoria - Ted Hughes
The inmost spirit of poetry, in other words, is at bottom, in every recorded case, the voice of pain and the physical body, so to speak, of poetry, is the treatment by which the poet tries to reconcile that pain with the world. - Ted Hughes
There is no better way to know us Than as two wolves, come separately to a wood. - Ted Hughes
He could not stand. It was notThat he could not thrive, he was bornWith everything but the will –That can be deformed, just like a limb.Death was more interesting to him.Life could not get his attention. - Ted Hughes
In those days I coercedOracular assuranceIn my favour out of every sign. - Ted Hughes
What’s writing really about? It’s about trying to take fuller possession of the reality of your life. - Ted Hughes
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