Quotation Explorer - 'Kitten'

I don't want to be a kitten anymore. Give me my honorary claws so I can become a lion. - Kayla Krantz
If a lion cub thinks it is a kitten, it will grow up catching mice. - Dr. Asoka Jinadasa
A kitten is, in the animal world, what a rosebud is in the garden. - Robert Sowthey
Even a heart of a kitten is reliable, if you know how to rely on - Munia Khan
What feeling is so nice as a child's hand in yours? So small, so soft and warm, like a kitten huddling in the shelter of your clasp. - Marjorie Holmes
Death can sneak up on you like a silent kitten, surprising you with it's touch and you have a right to act surprised. Other times death stomps in the front door, unwanted and unannounced, and makes it's noisy way to your seat on the sofa. - Hugh Elliott
She glanced at Jem expecting to see him blinking in surprise or hurt, but he was only smiling a little as if Will were a kitten that had tried to bite him. - Cassandra Clare
Every time you tell a lie an angel punches a unicorn in the face with a kitten. - Dave Turner
Poems are soft kitten furs. smoothing out the rough edges of my world. - Sanober Khan
Most of the time when you laugh, it's because something is amiss - clumsy or wrong or sad - but when you laugh at a kitten, you laugh of pure joy. - Laura Amy Schlitz
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