Quotation Explorer - 'Punches'

I have one of those real old American built cars. The kind that just PUNCHES through accidents.
Sometimes life can be unexpected. Sometimes things surprise you and all you can do is roll with the punches or let them beat you to a bloody pulp. -Sage Hannigan, Contingency - P.S. Martinez
Life is like a boxing match, keep on throwing those punches and one of them will land.Kevin Lane - The Shawshank Prevention - Ken Scott
Actions speak louder than voice but words hurt harder than punches - Himmilicious
She had taken many more punches to both body and soul than anyone should ever have to endure. But she had been able to rebel every time. - Stieg Larsson
Sometimes life just walks up to you, excuses itself and punches you in the face. - Mike Kunda
Every time you tell a lie an angel punches a unicorn in the face with a kitten. - Dave Turner
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