My advice to you is not to inquire why or whither, but just enjoy your ice cream while it's on your plate. - Thornton Wilder
Few can foresee whither their road will lead them, till they come to its end. - J. R. R. Tolkien
For whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God. - Bible
There is no joy in a life that is all information. There is no 'juice' to that kind of life. No sweetness, no color. Like trading a beautiful golden-ripe orange for a stalk of whithered broccoli. - Tish Grier
Tao. Some of us look for the Way in opium and some in God, some of us in whiskey and some in love. It is all the same Way and it leads nowhither. - W. Somerset Maugham
Like flowers we grow, bloom, and whither - each day and each life. In our next life we'll grow, bloom, and whither even more beautifully. But although we blossom more grandiose in each new life, all our lives are perfect in their own way. - Stefan Emunds
What am I to do on this earth? The choice rests with me: suffer or enjoy. Whither will suffering lead me? To nothingness; but I shall have suffered. Whither will enjoyment lead me? To nothingness; but I shall have enjoyed myself. - Victor Hugo