Jesus shows us that there’s never a change of mind unless there’s a change of heart, and there will never be a change of heart without a conversation between trusted friends.Halter, Hugh (2014-02-01). Flesh: Bringing the Incarnation Down to Earth (p. 167). David C. Cook. Kindle Edition. - Hugh Halter
Have you heard of the most evil things done by people in their lifetime? They have coveted men's wives, killed hundreds of Christians and sold their best friend's life away for just a few coins. Isn't it interesting that they were God's chosen in the bible? ---Saul, Judas & King David - Shannon L. Alder
I hate girls that giggle all the time... You hate any girl that David looks at. - Audrey Hepburn
I love pop culture -- the Rolling Stones, the Doors, David Lynch, things like that. That's why I said I don't like elitism. - Haruki Murakami
Next to theology I give to music the highest place and honor. And we see how David and all the saints have wrought their godly thoughts into verse, rhyme, and song.
The 'magic' is the known and unknown quiet, spiritual, invisible thread which links and reveals harmonic elements to a universe of high vibrational sensory. And our beloved Bro. Maurice David knew it's undeniable creative power, from within. - T.F. Hodge
Dies iral, dies illaSolvet Saeclum in FavillaTeste David cum SilyllaThat Day of Wrath, that day of burningSeer and Sibly speak concerningAll the world to ashes turning - George Smith
David was "a star, the Elvis of the Bible." An unusually for such a rockstar with his lust for power, lust for women, lust for life, he had humility of one who knew his gift work harder than he ever would. - Bono
In America, they want you to accomplish these great feats, to pull off these David Copperfield-type stunts. You want me to be great, but you don't ever want me to say I'm great? - Kanye West
[On David Hume]Although he never admitted to being an atheist as such, he was clearly and unquestionably the most vividly elegant skeptic of them all. - Jonathan Miller
If I had said that I didn’t want to know if Christianity was true, David would not have pursued our conversations any further. He had long before realized that people who want to avoid the truth usually succeeded. - Nabeel Qureshi
His name is David Bowie and he's nineteen. Would you like to meet him? - Tony Visconti
If you believe that I'm a cop killer, you believe David Bowie is an astronaut. - Ice-T
David Thomas: What do you think is the worst crime that could possibly be committed? What is the crime that offends you most?: Seeing a man humble himself in his capacity as a worker to somebody else, and having to have that accepted as a given situation. - David Bowie
New Labour leader Ed Miliband announces plan to 'make this party slightly less unelectable by 2015'. He added: 'I am Ed, the Almighty One.'Defeated brother David Miliband overheard muttering: 'Now I know how Wayne Christ felt after little Jesus came along. - Andy Zaltzman
David looked at her and smiled. "I think you have to feel comfortable being alone with yourself before you truly know who you are and can feel comfortable being yourself with others. - Steven Manchesterchester
I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made -Psalm 139:14 - David
David Bowie was my creative northstar, a muse, an inspiration to me from the age of 8. He was a special soul on a mission, and the mission is now complete. I know he is truly home now among the stars. - Eileen Anglin
The character who was like me he died at 46, even it was 2008 year so far his name was David Foster Wallace. - Deyth Banger
Anyone who prays for the death of his enemy must consider who tempted Jesus Christ, the persecution of the apostles and the Psalm 23 of David - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
In each of us there is another whom we do not know.Carl Jungfound in David Eagleman's book: Incognito - C.G. Jung
For a moment David was tempted to think that perhaps there were no good people at all outside concentration camps, but then he reminded himself of the sailor and Angelo and the English people who might have been ignorant but were certainly not bad. - Anne Holm
It would be infinitely more prudent to be a single David standing with God, than a million Goliath’s standing without Him. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
And Nathan said to David, Thou art the man. - Bible