Quotation Explorer - 'Matt Chandler'

The engine that drives all your activities is hope. What you hope in shapes you. - Matt Chandler
When the early Church recited the Apostles Creed, it was simultaneously their greatest act of rebellion, and their greatest act of submission. - Matt Chandler
This wasn't a legalistic play. He simply wanted more and more of God. - Matt Chandler
God doesn't want meerly action but hearts driving action. - Matt Chandler
The net that catches me when I confront traumatic events is that 10,000 years from now, they will be a reason for rejoicing. - Matt Chandler
A bad song you can't forget is called an earworm. The way to get rid of an earworm is to deliberately remember an equally awful song. - Matt Chandler
It's so much more than a child's story. - on LIFE Today. - Matt Chandler
What has defined our faith since the beginning is open-ended gladness. - Matt Chandler
When we heed God's Word, we are rejecting how the world tries to disciple us. - Matt Chandler
Adoration drives obedience, but throughout history people are prone to forget the faithfulness of God yesterday. - Matt Chandler
I was used to being the smartest guy in the room, and then God dropped me in a place that was well beyond me. It was painfully awesome. - Matt Chandler
I want every one of our members to grow into maturity more quickly than they seem to, but the Lord has taught me to shepherd people, call them to repentance and let Matthew 18:12­–14 play out. - Matt Chandler
A sure way to have someone crushed by their doubt is to preach a sermon on how to remove your doubt. - Matt Chandler
God does not regret saving you. There is no sin which you commit which is beyond the cross of Christ. - Matt Chandler
Human beings are not primarily thinking creatures. We are creatures driven by our loves. - Matt Chandler
We believe more readily in the abstract application of God's promises than we do in their application to us personally. - Matt Chandler
The speaker says one of the blessings of the family of God is that the enthusiasm of children influences their elders while experience seasons the younger members. - Matt Chandler
I've grown more OK with mystery as I've gotten older. - Matt Chandler
Expositing. John 14, the speaker explains that the Holy Spirit making His home with us involves Him exposing other areas of our lives for repentance, regeneration, and renewal. - Matt Chandler
Could it be that God is so intensely personal that He would burn down your world in hopes of building it back? - Matt Chandler
There are few things more ungodly than fake joy when you should be mourning. - Matt Chandler
My understanding from the Word of God is that I am supposed to preach for the maturation of the believer with a view that lost people are there. - Matt Chandler
God's people are the stage upon which His forgiveness becomes visible. They are never more authentic than when they ask for forgiveness and forgive others. - Matt Chandler
Institutions and cultures are not immortal. Humans, Christian and non-Christian, are. Compared to us, our country is a gnat. - Matt Chandler
If you know EVERYONE, you don't know ANYONE. - Matt Chandler
It is in my internal and external struggles, when it feels like someone is river-dancing on my last nerve, that the fruit of the Spirit is developed. - Matt Chandler
I am praying that the issues from the last 12 generations go into the ground with me so I have NEW issue is to pass on to my son. - Matt Chandler
Christ distributes courage through community. He dissipates doubt through fellowship. Max Lucado - Matt Chandler
God is not just intensely personal. He is infinitely powerful. - Matt Chandler
If you look at Isis beheading women and children, if you are like me, you are not thinking, one of these would make a great missionary. - Matt Chandler
The conviction that's underneath a lot of other statements is, "I don't trust Gjod. - Matt Chandler
Even though every identity marker I have can be taken from me, the grace and peace of the Trinity overflows into the life of the believer. - Matt Chandler
He can heal me. I believe He will. I believe I'm going to be an old surely Baptist preacher. And even if He doesn't...that's the thing: I've read Philippians 1. I know what Paul says. I'm here let's work, if I go home? That's better. I understand that. - Matt Chandler
It is arrogant to believe that you know what is true for you. Surely you know in your own life with you that you cannot be trusted. - Matt Chandler
You are being discipled by something. - Matt Chandler
As we gaze on Christ, the mind is informed, and the heart is inflamed, and the body begins to line up. - Matt Chandler
Church is not meant to be fun. It's meant to be formative. - Matt Chandler
The Word of God bares weight on all ages always. - Matt Chandler
It is an EVIL thing to be an expert in the weaknesses of our brothers and sisters. We need to be experts in the strengths of our brothers and sisters. - Matt Chandler
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