Quotation Explorer - 'Webster'

God grants liberty only to those who love it and are always ready to guard and defend it. - Daniel Webster
The contest, for ages, has been to rescue Liberty from the grasp of executive power. - Daniel Webster
Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lustLike diamonds we are cut with our own dust - John Webster
Mind is the great lever of all things. - Daniel Webster
Nothing will ruin the country if the people themselves will undertake its safety; and nothing can save it if they leave that safety in any hands but their own. - Daniel Webster
What is History? Any thoughts, Webster?''History is the lies of the victors," I replied, a little too quickly. 'Yes, I was rather afraid you'd say that. Well, as long as you remember that it is also the self-delusions of the defeated. - Julian Barnes
Cowardly dogs bark loudest. - John Webster
Justice is the greatest interest of man on earth. - Daniel Webster
Let us develop the resources of our land, call forth our powers, build up its institutions, promote all its great interests, and see whether we also, in our day and generation, may not perform something worthy to be remembered. - Daniel Webster
It seemed like an unachievable goal for one person to bring sunshine to one hundred little faces when what they need is a mother apiece. - Jean Webster
There is nothing so powerful as truth - and often nothing so strange. - Daniel Webster
A country cannot subsist well without liberty, nor liberty without virtue. - Daniel Webster
The world is governed more by appearances than realities, so that it is fully as necessary to seem to know something as to know it. - Daniel Webster
I was born an American; I will live an American; I shall die an American. - Daniel Webster
Politicians tend only to like democracy when it is to their personal advantage(From LONE WOLF, p.50) - Len Webster
In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide. Regard not the particular sect or denomination of the candidate - look to his character. - Noah Webster
Half of the time I don't know what they're talking about; their jokes seem to relate to a past that everyone but me has shared. I'm a foreigner in the world and I don't understand the language. - Jean Webster
I still live. - Daniel Webster
There's nothing sooner dry than women's tears. - John Webster
A disordered currency is one of the greatest political evils. - Daniel Webster
Was I sorry that I chose to come by hand cart? No. Neither then nor any minute of my life since. The price we paid to become acquainted with God was a privilege to pay and I am thankful that I was privileged to come in the Martin Hand Cart Company. - Francis Webster
The reasonableness of the command to obey parents is clear to children, even when quite young. - Noah Webster
Tyranny is the exercise of some power over a man, which is not warranted by law, or necessary for the public safety. A people can never be deprived of their liberties, while they retain in their own hands, a power sufficient to any other power in the state. - Noah Webster
The materials of wealth are in the earth, in the seas, and in their natural and unaided productions. - Daniel Webster
Seek out your superiors and learn from them. Do not hide nor shy away from them for the sake of your pride for true pride is perceived, not in perceived skill, but in improvement. - Megan Webster
I consider my time too valuable to be spent in cultivating acquaintance with a person from whom neither pleasure nor improvement are to be expected. - Hanna Webster Foster
A strong conviction that something must be done is the parent of many bad measures. - Daniel Webster
Weird: of strange or extraordinary character - Merriam-Webster
When a citizen gives his suffrage to a man of known immorality he abuses his trust; he sacrifices not only his own interest, but that of his neighbor; he betrays the interest of his country. - Noah Webster
I shall know but one country. The ends I aim at shall be my country, my God & Truth. I was born an American; I live an American; I shall die an American. - Daniel Webster
When I go to hell, I mean to carry a bribe: for look you, good gifts evermore make way for the worst persons. - John Webster
If we abide by the principles taught by the Bible, our country will go on prospering. - Daniel Webster
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