Quotation Explorer - 'Don Delillo'

That which we fear to touch is often the fabric of our salvation. - Don DeLillo
I was too much of a Bronx kid to read Emerson or Hawthorne. - Don DeLillo
A writer takes earnest measures to secure his solitude and then finds endless ways to squander it. - Don DeLillo
What we are reluctant to touch often seems the very fabric of our salvation. - Don DeLillo
Everything was fine, would continue to be fine, would eventually get even better as long as the supermarket did not slip. - Don DeLillo
I like simple men and complicated women. - Don DeLillo
Californians invented the concept of life-style. This alone warrants their doom. - Don DeLillo
We seem to believe it is possible to ward off death by following rules of good grooming. - Don Delillo
Time and death: It's the ultimate vision of an artist at the end of everything. It's just what's there. It was not something I planned to do. - Don DeLillo
We feel a private thrill, admit it, at the sight of beauty in flames. We wish to blast all the fine old things to oblivion and replace them with tasteless identicalstructures. - Don DeLillo
When I work, I'm just translating the world around me in what seems to be straightforward terms. For my readers, this is sometimes a vision that's not familiar. But I'm not trying to manipulate reality. This is just what I see and hear. - Don DeLillo
Everybody wants to own the end of the world. - Don DeLillo
Doesn't seem quite real. It's not meaningful. I can't quite imagine myself being 73. That's the age my father was! [Laughter.] How can I be his age? It's weird. - Don DeLillo
It's my contention that each book creates its own structure and its own length. I've written three or four slim books. It may be that the next novel is a big one, but I don't know. - Don DeLillo
As technology advances in complexity and scope, fear becomes more primitive. - Don DeLillo
Too young for Korea, too old for Vietnam. - Don DeLillo
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