Quotation Explorer - 'Sameh Elsayed'

If you find a community with less production and less inspiring inventions, then know it is a sign of lack of Business Leaders and full of General Managers do not know what they can manage or what they are managing. - Sameh Elsayed
When a photo of a person looks deep into your spirit and tells you thousand stories….. Stories from your past even before you existed, then the photo is way above any description. - Sameh Elsayed
If you keep looking at your business wishes as delusional dreams you will end up running just another one of them. If you get inspired by your business wishes then plan to find a way and people to make it happen, you will end up mastering a second to none organization. - Sameh Elsayed
If those who know leave those who don't, don't....... the world will turn to a school teaching ignorance. - Sameh Elsayed
Complaining from lack of food doesn't always affect my emotions. complaining from lack of knowledge, passion, creative ideas and happiness always does. - Sameh Elsayed
Sometimes while you are so passionately busy building, there will be others as busy destroying. Do not stop. One day you will notice how high above you get, and how down below they end up - Sameh Elsayed
A piece of art is part of its creator, you cannot split them apart. You cannot like one and dislike another. - Sameh Elsayed
Every bet of evolution in history came with its built in bet of madness. - Sameh Elsayed
Women are created to inspire….. Neither men nor women utilize this well. - Sameh Elsayed
The best wins or losses in life are those that leave you with a newer vision onto life. - Sameh Elsayed
The pain is not about having cheap people around…. real pain is the fact that there are some people with a price to start with. - Sameh Elsayed
The universe is a life giving force that is part of us. It flows in harmony through us guiding our every step. It maintain the harmony and flow of life. It gives us the passion and the knowledge we need to live and be inspired by. Yet in return, it is inspired by the human spirit - Sameh Elsayed
The lucky ones are those who take every opportunity and turn every life experience onto truth seeking adventure. They end up full filled with deeper dimensions of pleasure and spirit satisfaction.~Inspired by: Rania Rageh~ - Sameh Elsayed
The greatest challenges humans face throw-out their lives are two:1- the challenge of where to start2- the challenge of when to stop - Sameh Elsayed
Dear Adam, I spent my life trying hard to prove to people that there is somebody out there who is not bad. Somebody who does not really care about money, but cares about honor, and no matter how this went, the real pleasure in life are about those who love you and willing even to die for you. - Sameh Elsayed
When she tells you her problems she is not moaning, she trusts you. - Sameh Elsayed
Real integrity comes from knowing oneself and believing in truth, without compromise, and no matter how challenging. Integrity is a beautiful thing. - Sameh Elsayed
Happiness does not mean the absence of problems, but the existence of passion. - Sameh Elsayed
It is a wonderful gift for the man to be welcomed by the woman. - Sameh Elsayed
One day I had nothing but my childhood to defend myself………. - Sameh Elsayed
Don’t let them fool you and tell you goals has to be unified before any partnership agreement. Be carefully concerned about unifying your values and principles, after that all will run smoothly. - Sameh Elsayed
Development in general doesn’t make you better employee or better manager. Development makes you a better human who is able to invest the best in you to add beauty and meaning to your life and the rest of the world. - Sameh Elsayed
True leadership can only be achieved when one looks within oneself and commits to authenticity. It gives us the courage to stand at the front and influence others to willingly follow; it gives us the courage to learn, inspire, demand the best and shape the future. - Sameh Elsayed
Commitment to ourselves, our families, and our business is paramount to being successful. Human should be committed to rolling out great products, services and initiatives that impact those personal and professionals encounters which cross our path. - Sameh Elsayed
Desire should be allowed to roam freely. The range is endless . - Sameh Elsayed
A wise human’s life contains several journeys among several experiences, each of them takes him/her to a new level of wisdom in which makes him/her refuses to return to how he/she was before that experience. - Sameh Elsayed
For those who were born lovers, falling in love is neither an option nor a decision. it is a matter of existence. - Sameh Elsayed
Wisdom got sound. It is called silence - Sameh Elsayed
Make her smile, make her laugh and make her happy; because this is the only Truth, Meaning & Beauty act any human can ever achieve. - Sameh Elsayed
Each creature is a unique piece of art to be respected and believed in. once we realise this, equality follows. - Sameh Elsayed
We are all accountable for our actions; their affect and influence on our lives and the lives of others. Understanding the true meaning of accountability makes us strong and enables us to learn - Sameh Elsayed
Nothing matches a Sailor’s kiss coming back home where he belongs. - Sameh Elsayed
For those who were born lovers, falling in love is not neither an option nor a decision. it is a matter of existence. - Sameh Elsayed
One day I had nothing but my childhood to defend myself.......... - Sameh Elsayed
Perfection does not mean errorless . Real perfection starts with real intention and ends with delivery, all driven by seeking knowledge, trial & error and investing emotions. Whatever delivered after that is perfect . - Sameh Elsayed
The best wins or looses in life are those that leave you with a newer vision onto life. - Sameh Elsayed
When you pray to God asking for something, make sure you are asking for the things that are driven by love and passion rather than the ones that are pushed by hate and anger. - Sameh Elsayed
It takes an artist…. to be an artist - Sameh Elsayed
Only wise men can differentiate between what is a matter of pride and what is a principle of dignity. - Sameh Elsayed
Passion is a key to unlimited success. Without it, we wither and die. It drives our hearts, our minds and our souls to achieve the best possible results. - Sameh Elsayed
We are defined by how we choose to exist. Responsibility towards and contribution to society is part of how we make a difference. Every human being wants to make a difference; one of the ways we might do this is through our contribution to communities . - Sameh Elsayed
when you expect something from your self and your own self disappoints you.... this is what i call a real disappointment . The worst disappointments comes from in-within. - Sameh Elsayed
When all you have to face life situations with the attitude forced on to you by society traditions, you will then regret not being the mad you used to be but will never be again. - Sameh Elsayed
Nothing matches a Sailor's kiss coming back home where he belongs - Sameh Elsayed
When the Magician waves his magic wand to help you… rest assured he does it because you deserve it. - Sameh Elsayed
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