Quotation Explorer - 'Saru Singhal'

There are many wounded hearts here. Many! Some admit. Others - the stubborn ones, scribble poetry instead. - Saru Singhal
They are many wounded hearts here. Many! Some admit. Others - the stubborn ones, scribble poetry instead. - Saru Singhal
Emotional quotient is far more important than intelligence quotient. We live with people, not with math problems. - Saru Singhal
When she wished for love, she wanted a perfect concoction of - respect, care and understanding. You dusted kisses, and hoped she would find all those in the debris.Love, my dear, is more mental than physical. - Saru Singhal
You don't have to go through someone's pain to understand it. Empathy is enough. - Saru Singhal
Smile is the shortest and fastest communication between strangers. - Saru Singhal
Without sense of direction, efforts land nowhere. - Saru Singhal
You have to invest yourself as a reader to be a good writer. - Saru Singhal
Like you begin your day with a cup of coffee or tea. Some begin their relationship with love and trust.It's not merely a choice - it's a habit and a lifestyle. - Saru Singhal
As she walks through her problems, miseries and bad days, she couldn't help but notice how her gait has become more poised and elegant. Earlier - she tripped over at the sight of a problem. Now - she keeps her head high and wins over them.Her problems made a woman out of a girl! - Saru Singhal
People would say - to break free, to soar, and sadly, to chop your wings too. The moment you listen to them, you voluntarily put yourself in a cage. Be a free soul - fly or fall on your own terms. - Saru Singhal
A boy would sit with you all night, and count the stars. However, a real man would toil under the sun and build you a little universe. The difference - one builds a fantasy, other fulfills it. And, lucky are those who get both these qualities in one person. They get to experience the magic of love. - Saru Singhal
Ego doesn't kill you. It makes you lonely, which is even worse. - Saru Singhal
Good friends laugh at you, laugh with you, but never laugh behind your back. - Saru Singhal
When sorrow knocks at your door, tell it you're busy finding happiness. - Saru Singhal
There is no good or bad author; there is only one kind of an author, that who connects with the readers. - Saru Singhal
Let's go old school to impress people. Wear a smile, rather than a branded dress. Crease out our differences with understanding. And, use empathy, care, and patience as accessories. Then, let's make a conversation, not talk. Ah, what a fine world it would be! Fine, pure and minus artifice. - Saru Singhal
For rock solid friendship, never lie to your friends. - Saru Singhal
Out of the millions who write, only very few manage to create an impact. - Saru Singhal
No, I don't have a heart of gold. It's normal - the one that gets hurt by rude words and broken promises. - Saru Singhal
We never plant trees in other people's yard and hope them to grow. We plant them in ours, water them and take care of them. We should do the same with our lives. Never lay it on others. - Saru Singhal
The best thing about a heartbreak, you start looking for happiness elsewhere. You realize like wild flowers, happiness can grow anywhere and everywhere. And, most importantly within you.Be wild, dear heart, happiness awaits you. - Saru Singhal
Feelings are murky, contrived and confusing. And the worst thing about them is no matter how hard you try, you can never sort them. They tangle more and more with thinking. - Saru Singhal
I don't have money but I have something even money can't buy - Satisfaction. I'm satisfied with whatever little I have. - Saru Singhal
Poetry is no rocket science, a good poet writes from his heart! - Saru Singhal
Anger - a beast within us that needs taming. - Saru Singhal
You are truly classy if you manage to speak politely in spite of anger boiling inside you. - Saru Singhal
It rained today. You sat with me. We listened to the pit-patter, felt the cold breeze and got drenched in countless emotions. We didn't say a word to each other. Today, 'words' were mute spectators of our growing love. - Saru Singhal
Silence is the best reply to those who provoke you. Smile is like icing on the cake. - Saru Singhal
In the bigger scheme of things, we are two pawns... waiting for life to make its move.#Fatalist - Saru Singhal
Love is like tequila shots, not the quantity but strength matters. - Saru Singhal
Art lovers ought to be crazy.That's how they see the fun side of everything. - Saru Singhal
Your behavior is the testimony of your character. - Saru Singhal
Trust is like sand, one lie and it slips away. - Saru Singhal
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