Quotation Explorer - 'Spinnin'

This transformationbegins in the spinningof the soul,hanged upside down,massively re-arranged,motion light.By inch the radicaltakes place the old is decomposed, the gruesome has been destroyed melting into something beautiful.What has seemed to harm youbrought you to life.- CHANGE, A Poem - Tara Estacaan
Death cannot be struggled against, brother. It ever arrives, defiant of every hiding place, of every frantic attempt to escape. Death is every mortal's shadow, his true shadow, and time is its servant, spinning that shadow slowly round, until what stretched before one now stretched before him. - Steven Erikson
You and those shot-glass eyes, deep swirling pools of 80-proof firewater, with the depth and profundity of Saturn’s spinning pulsars… - Brandi L. Bates
I know that your soul is on life support and that you feel lost and like you’re completely spinning out of control, but you’re finding yourself here, tonight… even in this darkness. - Jennifer Elisabeth
They floated for a while, two flesher-shaped creatures and a giant worm in a cloud of spinning metal fragments, an absurd collection of imaginary debris, glinting by the light of the true stars. - Greg Egan
Seems like the world is spinning smooth without a bump or squeak except when love comes in. Then the whole machine just quits like a loud load of wash on imbalance--the buzzer singing to high heave, the danger light flashing. - Sandra Cisneros
Goddammit! How does the world keep spinning with women on the planet?"Ian St. John in THE POMPEII SCROLL - Jacqueline LaTourrette
For writing a first draft requires from the writer a peculiar internal state which ordinary life does not induce. ... how to set yourself spinning? - Annie Dillard
Love me like Saturday night, like three glasses of champagne, like the room is spinning, like you're drunk on my love. - C.J. Carlyon
I could smell death in the air and I knew it was mine. I could see the world spinning around me and I could sense the blows being thrust into my body. I blacked out. - Anna M. Aquino
I like to read and write because it is the ONLY thing that takes my mind off of the real world and my spinning worries. It is a time I can be free of anxiety, worry, and stress. When my life gets hectic I HAVE to read and write or I'll drown. - Shandy L. Kurth
Life is simple:We lose and regain; and the wheel keeps spinning and the wheel keeps spinning. - Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Spinnin' a rope is fun if your neck ain't in it. - Will Rogers
As long as the world is turning and spinning, we're gonna be dizzy and we're gonna make mistakes. - Mel Brooks
if you follow me, you must be spinning round, because i have not destination. - DonaDevil
Night was spreading slowly around the spinning Earth. It should have been full of pinpricks of light. It was not. There were five billion people down there. What was going to happen soon would make barbarism look like a picnic - hot, nasty, and eventually given over to the ants. - Neil Gaiman
Love can be such a mysterious muse and seductress... spinning her magical web of stardust and emotional euphoria. True love sang her siren song and we wrapped that song around us like the sweetest melody. - Jaeda DeWalt
Don’t beat yourself up, son. I’m sure there is a culture on this spinning ball of dirt where you can be pretty. If not, do rock ‘n roll, or practice words. That shit’s pretty as well. - R.X. Bird
It's essential to keep moving, learning and evolving for as long as you're here and this world keeps spinning - Rasheed Ogunlaru
Let your life be a song. Let music be the background of whatever human things you will do for this blazing, spinning planet, and never let go of the good, never let go of the kindness. - Logan Keys
Perfect...as it was, it had to be, andlittle dreams were spinning madlyas a flock of birds in mid-flight, thesingle vision of a single moment, a singlemoment, frozen in time no more. No moredid he need, to understand thatit was better than any he couldtake, and call his own, it was Perfect... - Stefan G. Dimov
A billion stars go spinning through the night, / glittering above your head, / But in you is the presence that will be / when all the stars are dead. - Rainer Maria Rilke
UtteranceSitting over wordsVery late I have heard a kind of whispered sighingNot farLike a night wind in pines or like the sea in the darkThe echo of everything that has everBeen spokenStill spinning its one syllableBetween the earth and silence - W.S. Merwin
We come spinning out of nothingness, scattering stars like dust. - Jalaluddin Rumi
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