Quotation Explorer - 'Angie Karan'

Are you eating to live or are you eating to die? Food is not just for nourishment. Food is for information, it is for intelligence. It is for wisdom, but more so it is to create clarity within your self. - Angie karan
What is GRACE? an individual, inspiring and virtuous impulse, that streams the spirit with life! An elegance and divinity of one's beauty! - Angie karan
Tame that fascinated monster ego when it roars ~ Become infinite Kind Beautiful ~ Be happy ~ smile - Angie karan
Give your big smile, and bring some good energy wherever you go for a change. The world could always use some of that uplifting energy. - Angie karan
Patience is a skill that brings beauty. Patience brings strength. Patience brings happiness - Practice patience and you will achieve your goals! - Angie karan
Every little gracious act adds to the quotient of grace in the world - how gracious can you be today? All of you are connected - all of us are connected - we are all ONE being - breathing, living, light.... - Angie karan
When you do or think or feel something, do it with passion. Let it come from the heart. Put your heart and soul in it. And when you do, you will feel a river flowing sweetly through you and especially through your entire life. Life has much more meaning that way.  - Angie karan
The map to our guidance lies within. Always follow your heart ! When your heart feels at peace, rest assured, you are on the right track. - Angie karan
Like the unfolding of a rose, allow your authentic self to grow, bloom and emerge.... shine in your radiance and In JOY all that you ARE... send your love out to all you touch... like a delicate perfume in the breeze... - Angie karan
when you build your life on a foundation of your authentic truth ~ you are fulfilled with joy and enduring peace, you feel you, the person you are meant to be - Angie karan
Soulful love, is poetry in motion. A contemplation of beauty from the deep arises and the mere struggle to express the rapture of the soul. - Angie karan
Our inner beauty is that Kingdom of Heaven that lies within. It is a fragrance and the signature of our soul. - Angie karan
The most valuable action to perform when loving someone is to beautifully and silently listen. - Angie karan
Some of the most valued things we have in life come from changes or mistakes. Don't be afraid if you failed or if you lose someone you love, there is always the rainbow after the rain. And remember that all change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end. - Angie karan
What is GRACE?An individual, inspiring and virtuous impulse, that streams the spirit with life! - Angie karan
When you are down to nothing, God and the universe are always up to something!!! Be strong in your faith, that place within you where love is found. Those powerful forces within you and with out are working it out for you! Be encouraged and know everything will be okay again soon - Angie karan
Always listen to your soul... it speaks to you, only if you listen! - Angie karan
Shhhhhhhh..... Be silent. Silence your mind and listen.... Let the voice of your soul echo and shiiiiine! - Angie karan
The soul is everlasting. It does not change. Live from your soul essence. Dare to embrace your true, full beauty. Live in GRACE! - Angie karan
When your heart, mind and soul is in harmony - you walk with love, you walk with beauty. - Angie karan
The entire Universe will conspire to satiate our desire of what we put out there... as long as that desire was created in the womb of compassion - Angie karan
A most loving virtue of all, is that of a cheerful giver with the right attitude of LOVE! Giving is not just a random act of kindness. It is an investment in humanity. In return you become more than yourself, you transcend - Angie karan
When the inner beauty exceeds the outward beauty--it creates a magical dance in the heart. - Angie karan
The greatest treasures are invisible by the eye but found by the HEART. For where your treasure is, there your heart would also BE - Angie karan
Integrity, undivided loyalty, love. The pure in heart have a special blessing. Because there is no limit to how good life can become. - Angie karan
Grace and beauty originates from within. It is the spirit's light that glows out and make every-thing beautiful - Angie karan
In my perception and self - awareness of life, I see the big picture ~ I see my self ~ the place of my true home ~ the home of my soul.You are the Master of your own life - The key and beauty of your soul. - Angie karan
Always listen to your soul and feel the purity of that moment - no matter how sad or joyful - because it will speak to you further... a healing an understanding, a perspective or more will come out of it. Only because you listened. - Angie karan
Always listen to your HEART. The wisdom of your heart is the connection to your authentic power - the true home of your spirit - Angie karan
Cultivate your thoughts in to positive seeds and see your life change for the better! - Angie karan
POSITIVITY is one of the most attractive scents you can wear ! If you've been running around all day today - perspiring lots from all your challenging work - be sure to spray on some Positivity Scent (spritz, spritz!) before you head on home! - Angie karan
Gratitude is the vitamin of the soul. - Angie karan
By coming from our Soul, we are in the fullness of our being― This is the garden from which we grow - Angie karan
An awakened man who is driven by his heart and soul, can touch the heart of a woman he loves, without touching her - Angie karan
Cultivate and nurture being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. Remembering that In daily life we must see that it is not happiness that makes us grateful, but gratefulness that makes us happy. - Angie karan
When your heart aligns with the truth of its energy, GRATITUDE sings your name, LOVE flows freely, and every bit of your being is awakened, breathing and moving in perfect HARMONY. - Angie karan
Don't waste all today worrying about the possible mistakes you may have made yesterday. You don't know what will happen tomorrow or how long we have here, so enjoy what you have today since you have it. May you be thankful for today and live it to the fullest as it truly is a gift - Angie karan
HAPPINESS comes from within. To be happy is to know oneself. It's not in the material things that we own, it's the love we have and show to the world. - Angie karan
When you are an original you become successful in everything you do! - Angie karan
Don't do something for recognition. Do it out of kindness. Do it because out of giving, it will make you whole and complete - Angie karan
The heart is a treasure trove.... it is filled to the brink with beautiful Divine gifts. Whoever dives into it, finds that an endless supply, as vast as the great expanse of the Cosmic Ocean.... and even greater than this! - Angie karan
LOVE grows within the soul and when you are filled with this divine source you will shine like a STAR* you will radiate with the profound love within. Like a river you will gather all small rivers and make them reach their ultimate goal (SEA). HER heart only knows to LOVE. Love and LOVE. - Angie karan
Live happy and enjoy your journey. Life is too short to not enjoy the ride ! Perspective really matters. Worry never solves any problems. Have belly laughs and chuckles instead - Angie karan
With courage you take on gracefully anything that tries to stop you. To have courage means to be brave and take on what ever challenges you - Angie karan
You are loved, and you are worthy! Remember your wholeness. Within you is the spark of the Divine. Let go of negative self-talk and let LOVE heal you. - Angie karan
Never ever play with the feelings of others. If you think you have played with the feelings of another and have won, you better think again you might of won the game but you surely may have lost that person forever. - Angie karan
Gratitude is a way of life. Gratitude is the way home. - Angie karan
The greatest inspiration you can find in this world is "YOU" when you help someone, encourage them, praise them, smile at them or just be kind to them that is a huge Inspiration to you and them!! - Angie karan
EVERY person and experience HAS contributed to who you have become today. NOTHING was wasted - Angie karan
Forgive and set your self free. When we forgive, we heal our own anger and hurt and are able to let love lead again. It's like spring cleaning for our heart. - Angie karan
Grace and beauty originates from within. It is the spirit's light that glows out and make every-thing beautiful, no mater what those things are, they all have their beauty gracefully when they come from a place within. - Angie karan
The positive energy and love we give to others, heals our own wounds. - Angie karan
The more we give, the more we reap the benefits of feeling good in helping others. We are all capable of giving and and as well receiving, from giving graciously The blessing about giving is that it always comes back to us! - Angie karan
An attitude of GRATITUDE, is life's most powerful affirmation - Angie karan
When beauty is seen through the windows of the soul - rainbows appear and everything is magical. It feels simply divine. - Angie karan
Forgive your self and others by removing the anger that stands in your way and replace it with love, to heal your soul and your spirit. - Angie karan
Don't do something for recognition. Do it out of kindness ..because out of giving, it will make you whole and complete. - Angie karan
Nature itself, is the best medicine prescription, for our whole being. - Angie karan
Breathe light into your body - breathe light into your Heart - Breathe light into your mind - Breathe and OPEN! Breathe and remember that you are all LIGHT - Infinite LIGHT -Blessed LIGHT- open your heart and SHINE ON! - Angie karan
Happiness is . . . appreciating what we have while having it! - Angie karan
Be mindful of your self-talk. It is a conversation with the universe. You are a being, full of infinite possibilities! Focus your mind with positivity and you will have dictated the direction of your journey, your soul and your being, cascading in infinite abundance. - Angie karan
Meeting people where they are, talk to people at their wave length. Become a lighthouse! Let people see your shine to become inspired - Angie karan
Life can be so wonderful when simplicity, passion and love is involved in everything we do ! - Angie karan
When something serious happens in your life, something bad comes out of it but also something good. You get to see who is real. Who your true friends are, and who truly loves you.  - Angie karan
When our consciousness is open to the Love and Light of the SOUL, our lives gain a new perspective. The LIGHT illuminates all that may be still obscure and doubtful in our minds. The presence of LOVE dissolves fear and protects us, and at the same time it radiates to everyone around us! - Angie karan
Beauty is a treasure grove within. Beauty has different layers and depths. Peel and and look beyond the surface deep into the heart, the soul, and the mind - Angie karan
Be a critical thinker too sometimes. Look in to your heart and give your self permission to ask your mind and question the teachings that doesn't resonate with the wisdom of your soul. - Angie karan
Good laughter, or even a smile. It makes everything grow. It makes people Love you. - Angie karan
YOU are a signature to be dealt with and inspire, only when you move in to your authenticity. - Angie karan
Acquiring a blissful brain and in peace, is when I think positively, the sounds around and within me become music, my movement as one of a conscious dance, my smile breaking in to an infectious laughter, my mind transcending in meditation, and my life grows and becomes a celebration! - Angie karan
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