Quotation Explorer - 'Toni Sorenson'

A sweet life is a sweaty life. - Toni Sorenson
Not all races are run on a track. And not all finish lines are marked by ticker tape. - Toni Sorenson
Courage is not beating up the bully or letting the bully beat you up, it is standing strong before the bully and seeing him for what he truly is: a child of God in need of an attitude adjustment. - Toni Sorenson
We might give God our tithing, our material possessions, even our time and talents, but those are not really ours to begin with. They are gifts on loan. What is ours is the only genuine sacrifice we can lay on the altar—total submission. - Toni Sorenson
Strength comes from struggle. When you learn to see your struggles as opportunities to become stronger, better, wiser, then your thinking shifts from "I can't do this" to "I must do this. - Toni Sorenson
Christmas is about Christ. When we forget that, we lose the true magic of Christmas. - Toni Sorenson
You can't wear your brain out by overusing it. - Toni Sorenson
A friend is someone who makes you a better version of yourself just by being who they are. Their existence is your inspiration. - Toni Sorenson
A journey through nature is always a road that leads to self-discovery. - Toni Sorenson
Our imperfections make us unique as surely as our strengths. - Toni Sorenson
You are beyond worth and your potential to change is in your next thought. - Toni Sorenson
God is not someone you meet when you die. His smiling face will be the first and the most familiar to greet you on the other side of mortality. You’ll recognize Him and know in your heart of hearts that you’re not entering a new sphere, but returning home to the place you’ve always belonged. - Toni Sorenson
The most destructive thing we can possibly do in life is to make another person doubt his worth and identity as a child of God. The very most productive thing we can do is to help ourselves and others realize that as children of God, our worth is infinite. - Toni Sorenson
Just because our friendship has changed and now we grow in different directions, does not mean that we have to grow apart. - Toni Sorenson
In some cases abusive or damaged relationships cannot and should not be saved. - Toni Sorenson
There’s still a little girl inside every grown woman who would love to be able to fall into the arms of her mother and cry her eyes out every now and then. - Toni Sorenson
Change doesn’t come in nickels and dimes. It comes in dedication and sweat. - Toni Sorenson
Faith isn't hearing the voice of God. It's listening and hearing nothing, but moving toward the miracle anyway. God hears us even when we don't hear him. Knowing that requires real faith. - Toni Sorenson
A woman’s belly is the garden of life. Her mind is the gateway to meaning. Her heart is the source of love. And her eyes are the light by which the whole world sees beauty. - Toni Sorenson
When your lover is your best friend…then you know you’re one of the few and the fortunate. - Toni Sorenson
If you truly believe something you will attempt to live it. Otherwise you don’t really believe it. - Toni Sorenson
Just because we’ve made poor or wrong choices in the past, does not limit us from making wise and good choices now. - Toni Sorenson
Training is the word we use now. To train means to teach a particular skill over a period of time. Every time you get up, show up, work out, you are training yourself to be better, to live happier and healthier. Don’t expect results in a snap. Remember, change takes however long it takes. - Toni Sorenson
When the finish line seems too far away, remember how you felt when you were back at the starting line. Regain that motivation to recharge your momentum. - Toni Sorenson
Create space in your mind for the harsh memories too. Don’t ever cower from a teacher. Learn and live higher because you know how to use those dark memories as stepping-stones to think your way to a higher form of living. - Toni Sorenson
We all want to be happier, more financially secure and to experience more rewarding relationships. We all dream of making something more of our lives. A mountain trail is a terrific place to make our biggest, boldest, brightest dreams come true. - Toni Sorenson
If you think you are unworthy to pray, that thought is not coming from Jesus Christ. More than anything, He wants us to approach Heavenly Father, to have our prayers heard and answered. - Toni Sorenson
Think about what you are thinking about. Be aware of your own thoughts! - Toni Sorenson
If you could see into a woman’s heart you’d be shocked at the cracks and chasms of self-doubt, fear, and pain it holds. It’s a wreck and yet it manages to love like it’s never been broken. - Toni Sorenson
Jesus was a hiker. The wilderness was His retreat. - Toni Sorenson
Open your heart to the wonder of life simply by opening your heart. - Toni Sorenson
Because Christ doesn’t scream to get our attention, we have to find places and times that are quiet. We can look for Him throughout the day in a smile or the sunlight through a cloud. He’s there in a baby’s face—every time in a baby’s face. - Toni Sorenson
Stagnant people tend to live stagnant lives. - Toni Sorenson
Never let anyone belittle your efforts to better yourself. Let them stand back or stand aside, but you move forward no matter who tries to stop you. - Toni Sorenson
So what if you're scared spitless? So what if you're intimidated, insecure or inundated with doubt? If it's the thing that will advance you, do it anyway. Forward movement always begins with an inward decision. - Toni Sorenson
The bravest are the most vulnerable; they are also the ones most capable of reward. - Toni Sorenson
No good can come from beating ourselves up for falling down—for feeling unhappy when we want to feel just the opposite. - Toni Sorenson
Love is the force that keeps every part of our lives in property alignment. - Toni Sorenson
The first and most important person you must believe in is yourself. - Toni Sorenson
You don’t know all that you can be unless you’ve tried all there is to try. None of us get to do that in this life, so hence the saying, there’s always room for improvement. - Toni Sorenson
Breaking up is like unsticking your fingers after you've Superglued them. Love's the glue and no matter how slow and carefully you separate, you're going to lose a little bit of yourself in the process. You're also going to retain a little DNA from the one you lost. - Toni Sorenson
Today is the day to stop, look around, realize where you are in relation to where you want to be, change direction if needed and move forward with faith in God and in yourself. - Toni Sorenson
We exist to fully participate in the creation our own lives. - Toni Sorenson
Don’t even try to count all the colors of spring. God’s pallet keeps generating new hues. - Toni Sorenson
When you lay your head on the pillow at the end of the night, can you think of three things you did during the day to make your life better? Did you nourish your body? Your spirit? Your mind? If not, get back up and do something that good for YOU. - Toni Sorenson
Move to live and live to move! - Toni Sorenson
Women rise up! Speak up. Look up. Within you is all the light the world needs to scare away the darkness that holds it hostage. - Toni Sorenson
Three things to help keep your brain cells awake and alert ... drink plenty of clean water, get plenty of deep sleep, and let your imagination soar to places it's never dared venture. - Toni Sorenson
The Christmas memories you make this year will be the ones you remember in the years to come. - Toni Sorenson
Want to forget that you’re growing older? Walk across green grass with bare feet. - Toni Sorenson
The roadmap to a rich, rewarding life is to follow your passion, to be willing to deviate, to never dull to the dawn of a new day and all of the possibilities it holds for adventure and discovery. - Toni Sorenson
Life moves for people who move their bodies! - Toni Sorenson
Be aware of the voices in your head. Identify them. Just because you hear it doesn’t mean it’s your voice saying it. And just because you think it doesn’t mean it’s true. - Toni Sorenson
Any thought that you don’t control has the power to become toxic. - Toni Sorenson
Spring is the season you can feel blossom inside of you before you ever see it blossom outside. - Toni Sorenson
Attractive souls are different than beautiful souls. Attractive souls take care of their outward appearance for appearance sake. Beautiful souls care for themselves inwardly and outwardly, so they can be of value to themselves and to others. - Toni Sorenson
And the day inevitably comes when the scrapbook of summer, smeared with ice cream slurps and sweat stains, gives way to that new clean white notebook, spine unbroken, begging to be smudged with the enthusiasm of a number two pencil and a mind open to the possibilities. - Toni Sorenson
We are also not what others think of us. Our reputations do not define our true worth. Every person we know has an opinion of us. We drive ourselves crazy wondering what those opinion are and trying to change the ones that aren’t favorable. - Toni Sorenson
Our lives reflect our inner image. If we think we’re worth it, that worth will manifest in our lives. If we think we’re not worthy, we’ll live in lack. Believe your worth it and you will become worth it. - Toni Sorenson
Sunshine and water—the perfect recipe for happiness. - Toni Sorenson
We labor under the great delusion that we are in control. Silly humans. - Toni Sorenson
If your life is not an adventure then you are not truly alive. - Toni Sorenson
Unhealthy people tend to be unhappy people. - Toni Sorenson
Christmas has a dark side. It’s painful for those of us who lost loved ones during the holidays. What puts it back into sparkling perspective is knowing that Christ was born so that we might all be reunited again. That’s the real sparkle in Christmas. - Toni Sorenson
Don’t fear experience. Embrace each one as a gift, a teacher, a step to get closer to where you want to be and who you want to become. - Toni Sorenson
Exercise is life in motion. MOVE to LIVE! - Toni Sorenson
Health and happiness are interconnected. - Toni Sorenson
Friends don’t come ready-made or one-size-fits-all. True friends are always custom fit and one-of-a-kind…just for you. - Toni Sorenson
I challenge you to make your life the masterpiece you want to paint, the novel you want to read, the day you want to wake to. - Toni Sorenson
Two spectrums generate our thoughts one comes from fear and the other from love. Every emotion in between starts at one of those two places. - Toni Sorenson
No human mind can fully grasp the gift of Christ’s atonement, the vastness and inclusiveness of the act—but in the end, it comes down to just you and Jesus. You’ve come, and He’s met you with open arms—and now it’s just between the two of you. - Toni Sorenson
There is no such thing as colossal failure. There is only colossal courage to attempt the impossible again and again until it becomes possible. - Toni Sorenson
The world teaches us to be self-sufficient, self-reliant, self-motivating. But anytime we put self before Savior, we’re in trouble - Toni Sorenson
If you’re giving to get, all you’ll receive is disappointment. But if you’re giving to give, all you’ll receive is joy. - Toni Sorenson
Even indecision is a decision. - Toni Sorenson
You’re a biological wonder without precedent. - Toni Sorenson
We’re making decisions right now that shape our lives. Even indecision is a decision. What’s going on today is a result of the choices we’ve made in the past. - Toni Sorenson
You do not have to be religious to be spiritual and moral. - Toni Sorenson
Self-awareness happens when we become aware of other people, things and places around us and how we are all connected. - Toni Sorenson
Only when people are aware will they start to care. - Toni Sorenson
Let your past propel you forward, not hold you back. - Toni Sorenson
What is a strong woman? One whose very embrace can weaken the knees and soften the heart of the one she embraces, not by force, but by love which is the strongest force of all. - Toni Sorenson
The only way to take command of your life is to realize that you are never going to be in control of it. - Toni Sorenson
The more we have, the more we realize can be taken from us, and that’s when our lives border on insanity. We live in fear of losing what we think we possess. Once we let go and let God, then we gain a peace that surpasses understanding. - Toni Sorenson
Have you ever come out of a dramatic, chaotic situation and said, I did everything I could, and it wasn’t enough?That’s because everything we can isn’t enough. It’s only enough when our everything joins with Christ’s everything. - Toni Sorenson
You’ll never get it if you can’t see yourself having it. - Toni Sorenson
Life isn’t about being perfect; it’s about improving. It’s not about achieving more, acquiring more, or even about actually being more. It’s about becoming better…better than you were. - Toni Sorenson
Progress isn't about how fast or how far you are moving, it's about the direction your heart and body is pointed. Keep those aimed at your truest north and you'll get to where you want to be. - Toni Sorenson
A wise woman invests her time and doesn’t squander it in gossip, judgment or idleness. She knows every moment gone is one that she will not get back. - Toni Sorenson
I believe that we are all born for greatness yet most of us mire in the mediocrity of life. We become complacent or worse, discouraged and stagnate. We damn ourselves by not progressing. - Toni Sorenson
Every human being has divinity encased within its spirit and it is the task of its creator as well as itself to set it free. No human being is an end product, every being still breathing is a creation still under creation. - Toni Sorenson
If you want to feel the truest spirit of Christmas, go out and find someone sadder than you, lonelier than you, poorer than you and give what you can in a smile, in time, in compassion. The best Christmases always require the gift of self. - Toni Sorenson
Can you identify the voices inside of your own head? It’s imperative that you do so you can understand who is doing your thinking. - Toni Sorenson
You never hear someone called beautiful who neglects themselves. - Toni Sorenson
Why do we tend to treasure our health best, only when it is in jeopardy? - Toni Sorenson
Peace comes at a price, often only at the end of a hard-fought battle. - Toni Sorenson
Friends hurt friends. They don’t mean to, but it happens. So friendship is made of forgiveness as much as it is love. - Toni Sorenson
The reason for the season is Christ. Let’s not forget that. - Toni Sorenson
No one knows your body like you do. Listen to it. It will tell you what to eat, when to drink, how to sleep and which exercises you need to do. Let your own body be your most trusted personal trainer. - Toni Sorenson
Never put off repairing a relationship you value. If sorry needs to be said say it now. Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed to any of us. - Toni Sorenson
You can’t do it for someone else. No matter how much they motivate or inspire you, you have to do it for yourself. Your health is YOUR responsibility. - Toni Sorenson
You alone have the power to determine your value. Don’t let somebody else paste a discount sticker on you. You’re priceless. - Toni Sorenson
When a man is loved by a strong, confident woman he too is stronger and more confident. Once he has been touched by the tenderness of a strong, confident woman he too can touch with tenderness. That kind of love is contagious. - Toni Sorenson
All truly toxic thoughts are expelled while moving. Gotta move to stay alive. - Toni Sorenson
Don't ever let your day end in "could haves" and "should haves." Life is meant to be one experience after another. Say yes to everything that is good for you. - Toni Sorenson
If a tiny bud dares unfold to a wakening new world, if a narrow blade of grass dares to poke its head up from an unlit earth, then surely I can rise and stretch my winter weary bones, surely I can set my face to the spring sun. Surely, I too can be reborn. - Toni Sorenson
Sore muscles are nothing compared to the pain of regret. - Toni Sorenson
Friendship is never measured it words…it’s measured in memories. - Toni Sorenson
Want more energy? Drink water. Sleep deep. Love passionately. Eat clean. Forgive completely. Create something new. - Toni Sorenson
Be aware of the voices in your head. Identify them. Just became you hear it doesn’t mean it’s your voice saying it. And just because you think it doesn’t mean it’s true. - Toni Sorenson
Just because there is change around us does not mean there has to be change within us. - Toni Sorenson
We don’t have to be fast; we simply have to be steady and move in the right direction. Direction is always going to trump speed. - Toni Sorenson
Life is not a spectator sport; it requires full pads and full participation. - Toni Sorenson
I just want a friend who gets me and then wants to keep me—flaws and all. - Toni Sorenson
It’s not what we do once—it’s what we do once a day…day in and day out…every day that brings lasting change into our lives. - Toni Sorenson
To step into God’s will is a step into a different realm, even though your feet remain on firma terra. - Toni Sorenson
With Christ as your partner, there is no such thing as failure, only results. - Toni Sorenson
The only real insurance you have against disease is a healthy body. Invest wisely, generously and often in that policy. - Toni Sorenson
You cannot be a friend to someone else, if you do not have a friendship with yourself. - Toni Sorenson
A journey through nature is always a road thatleads to self-discovery. - Toni Sorenson
No matter where you are along life’s path, your next step is your first step. - Toni Sorenson
The human spirit carries a torch called hope. - Toni Sorenson
Set your mind first and your body will follow. - Toni Sorenson
If you want to discover your true purpose for existing, all you have to do is look deeply into the things that bring you joy. - Toni Sorenson
Every day is as amazing as we decide it is. - Toni Sorenson
Do not ask, "Is is possible?" rather, "Is is worth what it will require of me to make it happen? - Toni Sorenson
It is not enough just to believe in Christ. We have to believe that He believes in us so we can believe in ourselves. That’s a sentence that deserves a re-read. - Toni Sorenson
We cannot control all the circumstances of our lives, but we can control our attitudes and our actions. If we don’t, someone else will. - Toni Sorenson
Your brain processes a thought while your mind creates and cultivates not only your thoughts, but also the knowledge and experiences you gain. - Toni Sorenson
Spring is painted in daffodil yellows, robin egg blues, new grass green and the brightness of hope for a better life. - Toni Sorenson
Understanding your own anatomy and how it functions is crucial to changing your thinking and changing your life. - Toni Sorenson
Once you are aware that you have a weak spot you can begin to strengthen it, work on it, and finally turn it into a stronghold. But nothing can happen until you become aware. - Toni Sorenson
You do not need permission to be you. Just be your authentic, brilliant, one-soul-only self. You are a marvel. Act like it! - Toni Sorenson
Women can do it all but that doesn’t mean they should have to. - Toni Sorenson
If Christ is missing from your life, it isn’t because He is lost. - Toni Sorenson
It does not matter where you are—from this very moment on you choose the direction of your life. - Toni Sorenson
A great life begins with a great thought. - Toni Sorenson
Smart thinking is to know what you think and why you think it. - Toni Sorenson
Authentic kindness has a power greater than rock, paper and scissors combined. - Toni Sorenson
You are not your emotions and they are not who you are, only how you feel at the moment. - Toni Sorenson
Spring is the only season that flutters in on gentle wings and builds nests in our hearts. - Toni Sorenson
You cannot do more than you can, so be gentle with yourself and quick to forgive your mistakes and to move on. - Toni Sorenson
Exercise feels best after it is finished. - Toni Sorenson
Three words will allow you to change your thinking and change your life I am responsible. - Toni Sorenson
Christ’s Atonement provides more than an opportunity to live a happy life later; it promises and provides for a remarkable life now. - Toni Sorenson
Taking care of your health and well bring first, is the best way to insure you will be able to care for those you love. - Toni Sorenson
You have the ability to drive your brain and the capability to nab the steering wheel back any time you feel yourself veering off the road you intended to take. - Toni Sorenson
It’s rare to be depressed and be in prime health. Healthy people tend to be happy people. - Toni Sorenson
Work out to work up. - Toni Sorenson
Every woman is born with her own sense of style and idea of beauty. To stifle that is a sin as great as snuffing out a blossoming bud, a one-of-a-kind flower will never bloom again. - Toni Sorenson
You can be an atheist three seasons out of the year, but not during spring. Spring makes it mandatory to believe in a Divine Creator. - Toni Sorenson
Ever notice how baby shampoo smells like spring? - Toni Sorenson
The journey to the center of your soul doesn’t start in your heart. It begins in your brain, and taking it makes you among the bravest of the brave for it’s a place only the rare dare venture. - Toni Sorenson
We humans have two things that set us apart and make us able to do what no other form of life can—reason and feel. That’s because we have brains and hearts. - Toni Sorenson
I should learn from today and make tomorrow better. - Toni Sorenson
I do not know the answers to life's hard questions, but I do know the One who knows them and that's sufficient...for now. - Toni Sorenson
We are in God’s hands. We can’t come up with a surprise big enough or a sin vile enough to thwart His plan. If we allow Him to refine us we will inevitably end up free from the impurities that separate us from Him. - Toni Sorenson
No matter our sins or our sufferings, we are not isolated or abandoned. Christ is there for us, in good times and bad, and if we know how to follow Him, how to walk in His footsteps, then the road home doesn’t seem quite so treacherous or impossible to scale. - Toni Sorenson
When your resources are focused on what has been you cannot create all that can still be. - Toni Sorenson
Mortality was never designed to torture you. It was designed to test you. - Toni Sorenson
Coming to Christ is not an event. It is a process where we keep trying and trying and never give up. - Toni Sorenson
Friends might share clothes and chocolate, but they must share books. Just like you share the same stars, share the same books and you'll never be apart. - Toni Sorenson
Friendship develops over tears, times, laughs and lunch. - Toni Sorenson
You are the only one who can dream your dreams. - Toni Sorenson
We tend to see what we are looking for. - Toni Sorenson
To improve quality of life, to evolve into a better version of ourselves, to pause in recognition of blessings with only our name on the tag, to dance in graitutde, to embrance with abandon, to give without receiving, to seek the face of God ... all this and more is why we exisit. - Toni Sorenson
A woman who truly loves herself better loves others. - Toni Sorenson
Intuition is a woman’s gift that comes packaged in responsibility. If we don’t change the world for good, who will? - Toni Sorenson
Never be afraid to share your story. No one can tell it like you can. - Toni Sorenson
You are brighter than the sunlight and bolder than a rainbow. You are the reason spring was created in the first place. - Toni Sorenson
Why are you alive? To discover joy and to share that joy with others. - Toni Sorenson
We might not be grateful for all things, but we can be grateful in all moments - Toni Sorenson
Sleep on it until your thoughts are rational and your tongue is capable of speaking only kindness and truth. - Toni Sorenson
Our business is to be free of anything that separates us from God, who has created us to simply be happy and to progress. - Toni Sorenson
Your past isn’t there to decide who you are; it’s there to guide you to a better version of yourself. - Toni Sorenson
Ever felt like you are more than flesh and bones and blood that decay back into cosmic dirt? You are. Your existence did not begin with your birth and it will not end with your death. Your soul lived before and will live on and on and on...so what you do now matters later. Choose wisely. - Toni Sorenson
Why have you been my friend when I didn’t deserve friendship? Because friendship isn’t something anyone deserves…it’s just one of those blessings of life, you can’t earn…love has no price tag. - Toni Sorenson
If you’re truly friends, then you don’t just offer a little whisp of your love. You unzip your chest, reach in and pull your heart out and says, It’s all yours—please keep it beating. - Toni Sorenson
Anxiety is nothing more than prolonged fear. It comes with prolonged chemical release that does incalculable damage to your neurons over time. - Toni Sorenson
You want to be loved? Love yourself first and passionately. Forgive yourself readily. Care for every part of you. Only when you love yourself do you have love to give to others. - Toni Sorenson
If I give you and apple and ask you, What is that?You reply, An apple.How do you know it’s an apple.Because it just is.How did it get to be an apple?It came form an apple.Exactly. So when I ask you, ‘What are you?’ You can honestly say, ‘I am a child of God because I came from God. - Toni Sorenson
Every woman has beauty. Every woman has worth. Every woman deserves a chance at happiness. - Toni Sorenson
A true friend will never stand in your allotted beam of light. They will get out of the way so you can grow, but they’ll stay nearby in case you need what they can offer. - Toni Sorenson
Ingredients for a terrific Christmas: Christ. Love for one another. Forgiveness. Generosity. Time. Music. Children’s laughter. Reminising with loved ones. Remembering those who are alone. The making of new memories. - Toni Sorenson
Success goes to the ones who do. Get up. Show up. Throw up if you have to. Do it afraid, but do it no matter. - Toni Sorenson
Fear is afraid of you. Don't think so? Walk right up to it, then right past it and see if it doesn't run and hide. - Toni Sorenson
The Bible says that to have a friend we must show ourselves friendly. To that, I say, Amen. - Toni Sorenson
When you understand what you’re truly worth, who is going to be able to make you feel worthless? No one. - Toni Sorenson
Variety in your diet is health in your life. - Toni Sorenson
When you’re planning the perfect Christmas the gifts, the lights, the decorations, the paries, the cards, don’t forget the most important item on the list—Christ. - Toni Sorenson
Courage is stepping forward when all you can see is darkness. - Toni Sorenson
When negative thinking changes, everything changes. - Toni Sorenson
How we feel is not who we are. We might feel like failures, but as long as we are still trying, we are not failures. We are works in progress. - Toni Sorenson
You were born into this life equipped to succeed. You are a part of God’s perfect plan. Yes, you. The plan would not be perfect if you were missing. Think about that. You matter more than you know. - Toni Sorenson
Friendship, neglected, is like a flower deprived of water and sunlight. - Toni Sorenson
In God's economy, nothing is slag, nothing is wasted. Every relationship we build is a teacher, every experience we have is a coach. In every scar there is a lesson. In every memory there lives potential to make more. - Toni Sorenson
A daring heart is vulnerable, but unless it is willing to be broken it will never know the power of true love. - Toni Sorenson
I will never be a loser. Never. Because I will never stop trying to be better. - Toni Sorenson
A journey through nature is always a road to leads to self-discovery. - Toni Sorenson
A strong woman strengthens women. An empowered woman empowers women. When one woman rises we are all elevated. - Toni Sorenson
No matter your reason, if you sacrifice your health, you’re making the wrong choice. - Toni Sorenson
When you’re rearranging the furniture to make way for the decorations and the tree, make sure you rearrange your heart to make room for the Savior of Mankind. - Toni Sorenson
Here’s a simple test to check and see if you have surrendered or if you are still struggling with control. When you are miserable, stressed, doubtful, and fearful, you are in control. When you are happy, peaceful, confident, and faithful, God is in control. - Toni Sorenson
The brain is a material thing, something you can hold in your hands. The mind is an immaterial thing, something only the Universe can hold. - Toni Sorenson
New thinking doesn't mean shuffling your old thoughts around; it means getting rid of the old and implementing the new. That way your, "I can't" become "I can!" and "I did! - Toni Sorenson
The spirit of Christmas is found when we lift the load of others. - Toni Sorenson
Spring gives hope that God believes in second chances. - Toni Sorenson
Your future is brighter than your past was dark. - Toni Sorenson
Every time you work out you strengthen your body. Every time you don’t you weaken it. - Toni Sorenson
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