Quotation Explorer - 'Dada Bhagwan'

Only ‘he’, who becomes free from his intellect (abudha), can become Omniscient (sarvagna). - Dada Bhagwan
That which cannot be seen by the eyes, nor heard by the ears, is the Self (chetan, Soul). That which can be heard by the ears, 'Television' is seen, a ‘record’ is heard, that is not self (chetan, Soul) . The Self (chetan, Soul) can only be seen with the divine vision (divya chakshu). - Dada Bhagwan
The scriptures are the instruments and how to use these instruments is a science itself. One goes wandering around for infinite lives because he doesn’t have the knowledge of this science! - Dada Bhagwan
To misuse wealth is a great fault. - Dada Bhagwan
Where there is insistence, there is tenacity and where there is tenacity, there is anguish. - Dada Bhagwan
In regards to maan (to seek importance from others), a man will become impudent if he keeps getting insulted up to a point. If he gets maan (importance from others) to a certain level, he grows stronger. And if he gets too much maan [praise], then his desire for it will come to end. - Dada Bhagwan
Acceptance of ignorance (of reality) is the true knowledge path. - Dada Bhagwan
Worldly life is not an impediment; your obstinacies and your ignorance of the self are only the impediments. - Dada Bhagwan
One has to decide to know the nature of the Soul. Will one not have to know that? Nothing is attained by just saying, ‘I am the Soul, I am the Soul.’ The Soul has to come in to one’s experience, until then the worldly problems will not go away, will they? - Dada Bhagwan
True peaceful state is that when one has inner peace amidst total lack of peace on the outside. Bliss of the Self (samadhi) amidst external turmoil is ‘tested’ samadhi. - Dada Bhagwan
If you want to travel on the path of moksha (ultimate liberation), ‘You’ (the Self) do not have to ‘do’ anything. And if you want to wander in the worldly life, ‘You’ have to ‘do’ everything. - Dada Bhagwan
Worry is the destroyer of understanding. - Dada Bhagwan
Is it not necessary to eat? Is it not necessary to go to the toilet? They are necessary. In the same way, money is also required. Just as one does not have to think about going to the toilet; it happens automatically, in the same way, money comes without you having to think about it. - Dada Bhagwan
There is no entanglement where there is truth, and where there is no truth, there is entanglement of playing with ‘toys’ (interaction with people). - Dada Bhagwan
One binds the worldly life with bad thoughts; one binds the worldly life with good thoughts. With the absence of thoughts (avichaar) there is moksha [liberation]. - Dada Bhagwan
In appearance, the worldly life looks attractive, but once you enter into it, you can never become free. - Dada Bhagwan
Where there is no peace; there is not the slightest religion there. - Dada Bhagwan
A true swarthi (interested in the Self) will become the absolute Self! This is considered paraartha (for the non-Self). A swarthi will attain the ‘Self’. - Dada Bhagwan
God said to accept whatever circumstances that come along. Circumstance is a natural thing. In it, ‘Do this and don’t do that’- should not be there. Circumstances are a ‘scientific circumstantial evidence’ [‘Vyavasthit’]. You should ‘settle them with equanimity’. - Dada Bhagwan
There is a huge college about how men and women interact with each other after marriage. But people get married without learning. - Dada Bhagwan
If one’s mind becomes conflict-free, that is ‘moksha’; conflict filled mind, that is worldly life. - Dada Bhagwan
If one is destined to go wrong, he will not believe the truth but will believe something else altogether. - Dada Bhagwan
When does complete awareness occur? When the ego departs. - Dada Bhagwan
One enjoyed the mental pleasures through ignorance (of the Self), and that is cause of the worldly life. Only the bliss of the ‘Knowledge’ [of the Soul, one’s True Self] is to be enjoyed. - Dada Bhagwan
The one who straightens out himself will attain moksha [will be liberated]. If you don’t straighten out, people will beat you into doing so. The doorway to moksha [ultimate liberation] is narrow, so how will you be able to enter if you are obstinate? - Dada Bhagwan
To say that, I will not agree (will not accept) is great egoism! - Dada Bhagwan
That which frees one from bondage is the right religion. - Dada Bhagwan
Where the Self [Soul] is forgotten; that place is not ours. - Dada Bhagwan
A wife and a husband! For infinite lifetimes this is all one has done. And in doing so, one has lost his Absolute Supreme Self [Parmatma]! - Dada Bhagwan
The Soul’s doership has arisen due to ignorance. Because of this, the inner working components of antaskaran [mind, intellect, chitta and ego] have arisen, and so has the relative-self [prakruti]. - Dada Bhagwan
There is no problem to relish pride when people praises you but at the same time, one must also be of the opinion that ‘this should not be so’. - Dada Bhagwan
A circumstance is not easy to come by and when it does, there are causes behind it. Therefore I do those things which bring an end to all the causes. - Dada Bhagwan
The one, who does not have the ‘poison’ of insistence, will become free from all entanglements (karmic). - Dada Bhagwan
One can give ‘correct’ opinion only if one has an open mind. - Dada Bhagwan
This world is a museum. In a museum you have to see and know; you can eat and drink but you cannot take anything out of it. Do not get attached. Enjoy everything, but if you take anything away from it, you will have to come back to the ‘museum’ (this world). - Dada Bhagwan
The world is the puzzle, itself; but it is always in principle. - Dada Bhagwan
Who is considered as reputable in God’s language? The one who can do ‘world’s salvation’ just through his eyes! - Dada Bhagwan
In the ignorant state, there is a ‘limit’ for good qualities, it is known as the self-pride. Self-serving pride (swa-maan) is the limit of virtues in the realm of ignorance. - Dada Bhagwan
Everything that is experienced through the five senses is all ‘discharge’. It is due to one’s merit karmas that everything works according to one’s wishes, but he claims, ‘I did it’ and when one faces losses, he will say, ‘God did it’ or ‘my horoscope is unfavorable’. - Dada Bhagwan
Egoism [Ahamkar: Aham=I; kar=did] means ‘I did’. Where one is not the doer and he says, ‘I did’; that is egoism. To do egoism and to walk around with an inflated chest is pride (maan) and then to go on telling others ‘I did it myself’, is known as pride with my-ness (abhiman). - Dada Bhagwan
This is one place an opinion has to be made: that this body is a betrayal. - Dada Bhagwan
As much longing for worldly happiness (of 5 senses) there is, that much less is the spiritual development. - Dada Bhagwan
Physical pleasures are not associated with attachment-abhorrence; the belief in an opinion itself is attachment-abhorrence. - Dada Bhagwan
Regardless of how much wealth [material pleasures] one has, if he does not like bondage even for a moment, then he has become qualified to understand the science of the Vitarags [the enlightened one’s]. - Dada Bhagwan
It is called understanding when one accepts other’s talks of wisdom; but, where is the wisdom filled talk in this era? - Dada Bhagwan
Gnani Purush’ [the enlightened one] has become ‘Soul’ (Atma; Self) while staying with the body. - Dada Bhagwan
Where the ‘charging’ (of karma) stops, there lies the symptoms (signs) of attaining moksha. - Dada Bhagwan
Even if you insult him, he gives you his blessings; such a one only is the Gnani Purush [The enlightened one]! - Dada Bhagwan
To ‘us’, nothing except the Soul (Atma) is beautiful, and there is indeed no such thing as bad in this world. Bad is to deviate from one’s own ‘boundary’ (to not remain as the Self). - Dada Bhagwan
Only one kind of religion cannot give peace to everyone. Whatever ‘degree’ one is sitting at, that ‘degree’ of religion he requires. - Dada Bhagwan
To be able to see one’s own faults; this is known as Enlightened vision (Samkit; Self-realization; right belief). - Dada Bhagwan
Religion [dharma] originates where there is doer-ship [to do], Moksha [ultimate liberation] originates where there is understanding (to understand). - Dada Bhagwan
When the outside intent (other than the intent of Pure Soul, Parbhaav) stops, he attains enlightened bliss of the Self (samadhi). - Dada Bhagwan
Charge’ means coming together of all the circumstances and ‘discharge’ means the circumstances get over. - Dada Bhagwan
The ‘Gnani’ is in the form of an instrument to attain the goal (Experience of Pure Soul). The goal is the scientific form of Soul (vignan swarup atma). - Dada Bhagwan
Desires are done by the ‘Pudgal’ (non-self mind-body-complex), so how can they be suppressed? If You (the Self) are the one doing the desiring, then why don’t you stop it? But that doesn’t happen therefore, desire is a matter pertaining to the Pudgal (non-self mind-body-complex). - Dada Bhagwan
God has been pushed aside by the non-Self complex. Vibrations have arisen from vibrations. ‘We’ now give you the Knowledge of how to stop the vibrations. - Dada Bhagwan
When the mind is steady, it will not create any vibrations, and therefore one will get the result. Along with that, if there is purity of chit, then one will surely be able to get his work done. - Dada Bhagwan
One will become shameless if he does not fear insults in the worldly life. And in nischay [determination in the spiritual life] if one does not fear being insulted, he becomes independent. - Dada Bhagwan
Peace is the nature of the mind. And bliss is the nature of the Soul! - Dada Bhagwan
The way in which the twists were entangled to knot up the mind-speech-body and the innate nature (relative self, prakruti), is the manner in which they will be untwisted. - Dada Bhagwan
Once the bliss of the Soul (Self) is attained, it never leaves you. Bliss of the Soul (Self) is eternal. - Dada Bhagwan
Gnani (The Enlightened one) means without Ego. - Dada Bhagwan
Self Effort (Purushartha) is that which will bear fruits, without fail. - Dada Bhagwan
He insulted me’ -this knowledge binds one with terrible demerit karma. - Dada Bhagwan
When you walk around with a long face in the house, that is called conflict. - Dada Bhagwan
Egoism devours all the energy, and in addition it makes one suffer. - Dada Bhagwan
Every man should care (be concerned) about these three things: Which station have I come from? Which station did I get off? Which station am I going to? - Dada Bhagwan
The whole world has the illusory awareness of, ‘I am the doer’. In reality, everyone’s karmas are getting discharged, but one is not aware of this. One has no awareness of his own True Self. - Dada Bhagwan
To constantly see one’s own self as ‘Pure’, and to see other’s self as ‘pure’, is focused applied awareness of the Self, the Soul (shuddha upayog). - Dada Bhagwan
Until Self-realization is attained; it is not worth having a fixed-view at any place, it is not worth having habitual-devotion at any place and it is not worth stopping anywhere. - Dada Bhagwan
Religion (Dharma) begins with an obliging nature. - Dada Bhagwan
While following religion, where ‘any thing’ is required, they are all called ‘relative’ paths. - Dada Bhagwan
We’ are the self (chetan, Soul) and obstruction (antray) are non-self (achetan, non-Soul); therefore, the Self (chetan, Soul) shall win in the end! - Dada Bhagwan
Unless there is a ‘clear evident experience of the True Self’ [spasthvedan], till then ‘Principle’ cannot be attained. - Dada Bhagwan
The rule is that when one’s mind is controlled in a specific subject, he can control the other person’s mind in that subject. - Dada Bhagwan
Tremendous my-ness’ [mamta] is bound in the presence of Soul [Atma], and it is also in the presence of Soul that this my-ness is tremendously dissipated. - Dada Bhagwan
Marriage results in two possibilities: sometimes it results in prosperity, sometimes it results in destruction. - Dada Bhagwan
Gnani Purush’ (The Enlightened one) is pure, so one becomes pure by just seeing him. - Dada Bhagwan
One becomes bad himself when he sees or calls others bad. When others appear good to him, he will become good himself. - Dada Bhagwan
It is called equanimity when one has no attachment with the good (the auspicious) and no abhorrence for the bad (the inauspicious). The one without duality is in equanimity-state. In worldly interactions, people identify tolerance as equanimity! - Dada Bhagwan
Religion has to be protected; difference of opinion is not to be protected. - Dada Bhagwan
Your pride will be uprooted when a person who insults you appears to be your benefactor. The person who insults should be considered a benefactor, instead people get depressed when they are insulted. - Dada Bhagwan
Where there is religion (religious following), there are no worries and where there are worries, there is no religion there. - Dada Bhagwan
There is no samkit (vision with right belief that I am Pure Soul) where there are kashays [anger, pride, deceit and greed], and where there are no kashays, there is samkit (self realization). - Dada Bhagwan
Decided knowledge is not called ‘knowledge’. Decided knowledge is called Principle. - Dada Bhagwan
Keep one goal only and that is ‘to know thy Self [Soul]’. Do not be insistent about ‘I want to do this and do that’. Whatever happens, at whatever time, is correct. - Dada Bhagwan
When the mind gets a solution [settlement], it is considered religion. It is considered irreligion when the mind does not get a solution. - Dada Bhagwan
When unity of the mind, speech and body occurs, God has called that the ‘foremost’ religion. If they do not remain in unison, you should maintain the intent of ‘I want to keep them in unison’; then some day it will come into fruition if this resolve is there. - Dada Bhagwan
To have a desire means to have dependency. - Dada Bhagwan
To lose awareness of what is helpful or harmful in the worldly life is moh (Illusory vision & attachment). - Dada Bhagwan
Who can go beyond the mind? The one who has conquered the mind. - Dada Bhagwan
To know ‘as it is’ is Real Knowledge (Gnan). - Dada Bhagwan
Other’s power, other’s enjoyments, other’s space, people have become the owners of that which does not belong to one’s self. If they become the owners of ‘Self’, death is no more; One is himself, the Absolute Supreme Soul. - Dada Bhagwan
We need to become sidha (straightforward); there is no need to become a sadhu (ascetic). - Dada Bhagwan
Greed has two teachers; one is a cheat [a crafty person] and the other one is financial loss. When one incurs loss; it will quickly destroy the tuber of greed. - Dada Bhagwan
The one who is worthy of worship by people has no desires. The one who is unworthy of worship has desires. - Dada Bhagwan
Who am I?’- Not knowing this is the greatest death to the Soul (one’s own self)! - Dada Bhagwan
Knowledge (Gnan) is not attained first; first the ego departs. - Dada Bhagwan
Moha (illusory vision) means new things keep arising, and one indeed sees new things; and he remains engrossed in them. - Dada Bhagwan
That which cures all worldly miseries, is called ‘Scientific’ Knowledge. - Dada Bhagwan
Once you understand the innate nature (relative self, prakruti) of the other person, you can remain in an attachment-free state with that person. It is Knowledge (Gnan) to understand the innate nature of a person, and once Knowledge arises, so will conduct. - Dada Bhagwan
When does one become free from all tubers (of the mind)? When one becomes free of kashayas (anger-pride-deceit-greed). Kashays (anger-pride-deceit-greed) are tubers themselves. - Dada Bhagwan
Gnan (knowledge of the Self) can never become agnan (knowledge other than the self, of relative world). It is called agnan only when the focused applied awareness of the Self changes. - Dada Bhagwan
As long as one is involved in worldly interactions, there is pleasure of the mind; and after knowing the Self (Soul), there is bliss of the Soul. - Dada Bhagwan
There are so many things in this world. If we put it in short (succinctly), then what will remain? The ‘pure Soul’ and ‘circumstances’. Moreover, to disperse is the nature of circumstances. Therefore, the Pure Soul will not have to tell them to go away. - Dada Bhagwan
Prakruti [the relative self, innate nature] has opinions and may store them but we should stay in an opinion-free state. ‘We’ are separate and the relative self is separate from us. ‘We’ should play our part as a separate entity. We shouldn’t get involved with those problems. - Dada Bhagwan
When is bliss of the self (Samadhi) experienced? It is when one does not want anything, when all the tubers of one’s greed goes away, then the bliss of the self (Samadhi) is experienced. Give away, how much you give (your things to others), that much (happiness) will be yours ! - Dada Bhagwan
Any good thing will be ruined by talking negatively about it; similarly bad thing will improve by speaking positive about it. - Dada Bhagwan
One will bother you only if you have a karmic account with him. No one can bother you without your signature (karmic cause). All this is due solely to your signature. - Dada Bhagwan
Who is free from illusory attachment (nirmohi)? The Gnani Purush (the enlightened one). He can see flesh and bones, through and through. - Dada Bhagwan
The true instrument is that, with the help of which, the egoism and my-ness goes away. - Dada Bhagwan
Mind is indeed that which takes one to Moksha, and it is also the mind that makes one wander around in the worldly life. One needs to just turn it in the right direction. It had been turned in the wrong direction, and so it needs to be turned in the right direction. - Dada Bhagwan
My-ness (mamta) is indeed parigrah [attachment to material objects]; material object is not a parigrah. Gnani doesn’t have My-ness (mamata), He has the eternal element (experience of Pure Soul). - Dada Bhagwan
What I am saying is, ‘Know the science’. Know what is Soul (The True Self) and Non-Soul (Everything other than the Soul). Upon knowing this, all desires will vanish. - Dada Bhagwan
What is it that doesn’t allow you to go to moksha? Obstinacy! - Dada Bhagwan
When can one attain samadhi (eternal blissful continuous peace)? It comes when one lets go of the things that he loves the most. - Dada Bhagwan
As long as this belief, ‘I am the doer’ is not gone, one has not yet attained an iota of exact religion. He is still in the auspicious-inauspicious [shubh-ashubh] state. - Dada Bhagwan
Worshipping ‘Gnani Purush’ [the enlightened one] is equal to worshiping the Pure Soul and it is indeed same as the worship of absolute supreme Self (Parmatma). And it is the main cause for moksha [final liberation]. - Dada Bhagwan
It is called as ‘discharge’ (karma) when one has to do it compulsorily and against his wishes. - Dada Bhagwan
Why is there so much problem just to know one’s own Soul? The Soul resides in one’s own abode (body), but one doesn’t know it and then he says, ‘I know this and I know that so’. Instead why don’t you get to know your own ‘Self’? - Dada Bhagwan
God is neither just nor unjust. ‘No one be hurt in the slightest’; that is God’s language. Justice and injustice is people’s language. - Dada Bhagwan
As long as there is the egoism of ‘I-ness’ (hoonpanu) and the partiality towards ‘my-ness’ (marapanu), how can there be liberation till then? - Dada Bhagwan
If worries begin, then realize that the task at hand is going to be disturbed and if worries do not occur, then know that the task will not be disturbed. Worries are obstacles to the work. - Dada Bhagwan
As long as one finds faults with the world, he won’t be able to find anything about the Soul (Self). He who sees his own faults is the Soul (Self) himself! - Dada Bhagwan
As long as there is insistence of the truth, one cannot know the Vitarag Lord [the enlightened one]. - Dada Bhagwan
If there is wrong [ill] on the inside, the outside will appear wrong. Therefore, you should inquire within ‘why am I bothered, when others are not? So there must be wrong within me only. - Dada Bhagwan
Arrogant pride (abhimaan) means public display of self-pride (maan). - Dada Bhagwan
The higher one sits, the greater the fear of fall. - Dada Bhagwan
Who is doing this? Who am I? What is all this? Who is the doer? Who is the nimit (instrumental doer) of this? If all these remain present ‘at a time’ exactly the way it is, then that is considered shuddha upayog (pure focused applied awareness of the Self, the Soul). - Dada Bhagwan
No difficulty can come to you (your way). If the mind wavers, difficulty will embrace you! That is all, the law of the universe is just this. - Dada Bhagwan
The mind that does inner intentions (bhaav-mann) is the ‘charge’ mind. The mind that is getting exhausted (dravya-mann) is the ‘discharge’ mind. Bhaav-mann creates the worldly life. Dravya-mann brings an end to the worldly life. When egoism goes away, bhaav-mann vanishes. - Dada Bhagwan
Things of the world are not in a ‘seed’ form; they are in a form of a ‘fruit’. One has come with a ready farm; all he has to do is harvest the fruits now. - Dada Bhagwan
Scriptures are as ‘helping problem’. Scriptures only give directions. Scriptures are like a thermometer. Can you grind a thermometer and give it as medicine? - Dada Bhagwan
What does the world teach you? It teaches you (to do) egoism. Then, from that egoism, arise many many phases! - Dada Bhagwan
What spreads the stench of bad conduct? It is the egoism and other ‘flaws’. - Dada Bhagwan
Spirituality [Nischay] means complete truth and worldly interactions means truth to a certain extent. - Dada Bhagwan
The mind can be won over if it is kept separate from things that appeal to it. - Dada Bhagwan
When you experience permanent bliss of the Self (samadhi), then it will be considered that your entire work is completed. - Dada Bhagwan
Happiness lies with us only. Desire for experiencing interactive pleasure is because of the association with the ignorance (of the Self). The one who does not have such association, he will ‘realize’ true happiness. - Dada Bhagwan
After establishing anything as the absolute truth, its’ conclusion is reached. It doesn’t have to be established as the truth again. What is proven as the eternal established truth for past, present and future is known as the Principle [Siddhant]. - Dada Bhagwan
We’ win over ‘negative’ with ‘positive’. - Dada Bhagwan
How can you tell whether the ego is there or not? You will know when someone insults you. If someone insults you, swallow (accept) it with understanding. - Dada Bhagwan
Fewer the necessities, better your life will be. - Dada Bhagwan
One is said to be enlightened with the Right Knowledge when his conduct is appropriate in any situation. - Dada Bhagwan
We’ (the Gnani Purush, the enlightened one) have only one desire, and that too is a discharging desire of doing ‘Jagat kalyan’ (world’s salvation). - Dada Bhagwan
In this world, there are instruments to acquire instruments; ‘here’, there is the instrument to attain the Final Goal (Self Realization). - Dada Bhagwan
Spontaneous and natural (sahajik) speech means there is not an iota of ego in it. - Dada Bhagwan
To be unattached in every phase of one’s life is indeed full enlightened bliss of the Self (Purna samadhi)! - Dada Bhagwan
Abhorrence is the cause for conflicts. God has said, ‘Do no abhorrence. If you don’t like it, ignore it’. - Dada Bhagwan
Seeing the faults of others is indeed an echo of our own fault; the biggest fault is our own fault. That is known as the mad ego. - Dada Bhagwan
When the tendencies (vruti) that were wandering around since time immemorial come within & enter into the Self’s (Soul’s) abode; it is known as freedom from all wanderings (nivruti). - Dada Bhagwan
All this has been created from self-fault and self-imagination! - Dada Bhagwan
Only when there is dharmadhyan (auspicious contemplation; to not hurt anyone, to give happiness to others) in the body, then there is shukladhyan in the Self (contemplation as the Self, the Soul). - Dada Bhagwan
Illusion means to weigh right and wrong with the same scale. - Dada Bhagwan
Bowing down in prayer to a body results in worldly life and bowing down in prayer to Soul results in attaining moksha (final liberation). - Dada Bhagwan
It is wrong to be dependent on the body-complex [pudgal]. One should depend only on the Soul. - Dada Bhagwan
If you deal obstinacy with obstinacy in this world; resolution will not come. Simplicity against obstinacy will bring about resolution. - Dada Bhagwan
Religion (dharma) is decrease in kashay (anger, pride, deceit and greed) and increase of kashay is irreligion (adharma). When Kashay goes away (completely) is the religion of the Self (Soul). - Dada Bhagwan
As many numbers of people as are there, there are that many varieties of egoisms. - Dada Bhagwan
What is the value of the Gnani’s [the enlightened one’s] feet? It is a value that is immeasurable. The Gnani’s feet is one & the only solvent to dissolve egoism. - Dada Bhagwan
Moksha (ultimate liberation) means that you just have to change your vision. - Dada Bhagwan
In this world, it is not worth finding anyone’s faults. One becomes bound (by karma) by finding faults. - Dada Bhagwan
If money is spent in the wrong way, then ‘control’ the spending and if the money is spent in the right way, then ‘decontrol’ the spending. - Dada Bhagwan
Awareness (of the Self) prevails in matters where one becomes attachment-free (vitrag), and where one has attachment-abhorrence, there his awareness will not prevail. - Dada Bhagwan
He who does propaganda for something will become famous about it, and if he remains incognito about it, he will become renowned. The value is for the renowned state and not for that of a famous state. - Dada Bhagwan
What is suspicion? It is a tool to ruin one’s own Soul. - Dada Bhagwan
This is not suitable for me- to say this is indeed madness, it is nothing but egoism. To say ‘will not suit’ is an offense. - Dada Bhagwan
Attachment-abhorrence is an ‘effect’ and ignorance (of the self) is the ‘cause’! - Dada Bhagwan
One is not to win the world, he has to win the home (family). - Dada Bhagwan
The one, whose worldly entanglements have gone, is called the ‘Absolute Person’ (Sampoorna Purush). - Dada Bhagwan
One who does wrong is considered illusioned (mithyatvi - ignorance of the Self). One who does right is considered enlightened (samkit). - Dada Bhagwan
The mind and the chit are discharging and the world has believed them to be ‘charge’. That is why they attempt to still the mind and the chit, but that is not possible. - Dada Bhagwan
The person performing the experiment becomes the object of the experiment himself; this is known as the illusion! - Dada Bhagwan
In this world, it is a great Self-effort to deliberately remain ignorant despite knowing, right? I deliberately remain ignorant in spite of having the Knowledge. - Dada Bhagwan
Once a person starts seeing his own mistakes, he starts to become Parmatma, (absolute supreme Self)! - Dada Bhagwan
This world is not at fault, the world is beautiful. If your understanding is wrong, what can the world do? - Dada Bhagwan
To see happiness of others, that is what is our religion. - Dada Bhagwan
The Knower of the Soul is considered Self Realized (The Enlightened one). The knower of all the eternal elements is known as Omniscient (sarvagna). - Dada Bhagwan
Real happiness and peace is attained only if one comes into one’s true Self. - Dada Bhagwan
One does not like insults yet ironically he is an expert in insulting others. How can this be called a human-behavior? - Dada Bhagwan
All those that don’t allow us to do things for the Soul (our True Self), they are our opposers (kashays); we shouldn’t listen to them. - Dada Bhagwan
Complete departure of kashay (anger-pride-deceit-greed) is Moksha (Liberation). At first, there is the departure of kashays and then there will be ‘that’ [Liberation]. - Dada Bhagwan
That which never attains a state of non-principle [non-truth] is known as the principle. - Dada Bhagwan
Do you have to regret spending money when you earn money? And when it is time to spend, you should be strong that you got the opportunity to pay off your debt. Income is one’s responsibility and expense is the means to clear off the responsibility. - Dada Bhagwan
One should not be obstinate even in worldly interaction. If you are obstinate with a ‘collector’, what will he do? He will throw you in jail. So then what will happen if you are obstinate with God? God won’t put you in jail, but his happiness upon you will break (will go away). - Dada Bhagwan
Keep on doing whatever it is that you have been doing; but, do no attachment-abhorrence. If ‘You’ stay in ‘Your [Pure Soul] state’; attachment-abhorrence will not occur. - Dada Bhagwan
The worldly vision is filled with infinite infatuations and attachments and no one can escape from it; [hence] there is no alternative other than staying in Gnani’s feet [surrendering to the enlightened one is the only alternative]. - Dada Bhagwan
Religion begins from the time man starts to give happiness to others. - Dada Bhagwan
Only the ‘Right belief’ gives rise to non-contradicting principle and that which is free from contradiction is known as ‘Principle’. - Dada Bhagwan
What is considered [True] Knowledge? There should be solution from all sides, there should be no contradiction. It is a non-contradicting principle when a spoken sentence will be the same even after fifty years; there will be no contradictions. - Dada Bhagwan
Self-serving-pride (swamaan) means to take precaution against being insulted. - Dada Bhagwan
The chit is semi-animate (half-alive) and the mind is completely physical. - Dada Bhagwan
To see anything other than ‘as it is’ - that is called the world. - Dada Bhagwan
In Vitrag-Vignan [science of vitraag lords, the enlightened ones] there cannot be the slightest of the [wrong] insistence; moreover, there can be no insistence on one’s own opinion. - Dada Bhagwan
Attachment-abhorrence is the foundation for the worldly life and the foundation for ‘Knowledge’ is a state free of all attachments (vitragta). - Dada Bhagwan
The awareness that ‘money will get spent’ must never be kept; whatever gets spent at whatever time is correct. That’s why it was told to spend money, so that they can be free from greed and they can give it again and again. - Dada Bhagwan
Once the entrancement (Infatuation; Deluded state), in material objects, is gone; the loss in spirituality stops! - Dada Bhagwan
The mud of this body-complex (pudgal - that which charges and disharges) is such that the harder one tries to get out, the deeper and deeper he sinks into it. - Dada Bhagwan
Whole world is not looking for religion, it is looking for its own safe side. - Dada Bhagwan
To know ‘who I am and who I am not’ is called Absolute knowledge (Gnan). - Dada Bhagwan
When the egoism becomes zero; that is indeed spirituality. - Dada Bhagwan
The one who has developed a habit of taking a lot of respect from others [relish pride], will get cheated. - Dada Bhagwan
When there is no argument [dispute] over a talk, it is called ‘Principle’. - Dada Bhagwan
Worry is the greatest seed [cause] for the worldly life because worrying is the greatest egoism. If the egoism leaves, then worries will go away. - Dada Bhagwan
Where there is love, there are no faults. Where the love of give-and-take (dealer) arose, all faults will be seen there. - Dada Bhagwan
Pure Soul and circumstances; there are only these two; but the disturbance of egoism does not allow it to be at peace. - Dada Bhagwan
In the worldly life, self-serving pride (swa-maan) is considered a good quality and arrogant pride (abhimaan) as a bad quality. - Dada Bhagwan
What does ‘experience of the soul’ mean? It is a state of constant eternal bliss. - Dada Bhagwan
If you want to go to moksha (attain ultimate liberation), you will have to become simple and straightforward. Being obstinate won’t work there. You will have to remove all the tubers; become totally free from intellect (abudh). - Dada Bhagwan
I know’, is a big ghost. ‘This is mine’, is a huge demonic possession! - Dada Bhagwan
How many types of ‘my-ness’ (mamata) are there?! There is my-ness in each & every hair. If a single hair is pulled out, he will become upset that my hair was pulled. - Dada Bhagwan
Not to be able to find one’s ‘own’ faults; this is called the world. - Dada Bhagwan
Flaw laden intellect shows faults in others. If you deviate even slightly in the wrong direction, you will see everyone at fault. - Dada Bhagwan
Being dependent on this world will lead to betrayal. It will deceive us at the right time. It is better to depend on a pillow; at least it will not move away from us at the right time. The one that is living will move away. - Dada Bhagwan
The Soul is neither a Jain nor a Vaishnav. The Soul is Vitarag (free from attachment). This is the religion of the Vitarag (the enlightened ones). - Dada Bhagwan
One should take care of one’s own [True] Self and do supervision of everything else. - Dada Bhagwan
When the whirlpool of thoughts is going on; that is known as the mind. At that time, the mind is functioning independently. That and the vrutis (tendencies of the chit) have no relationship. The tendencies arise later on, and then they go back and forth. - Dada Bhagwan
When there is no attachment-abhorrence; one is on the path of liberation [moksha]. - Dada Bhagwan
The mind is the foundation for the next life. The foundation of the body will diminish [in this life itself]. - Dada Bhagwan
Knowledge that brings closure [settlement] to the mind in every way is Absolute Knowledge and it indeed is the all encompassing Knowledge that always gives complete closure [settlement, solutions]. - Dada Bhagwan
Man is indeed the Absolute Supreme Soul (Parmatma); it is possible for infinite divinity to arise within. The moment he has a desire, he becomes a human! Otherwise, he can acquire whatever he wants, but he is unable to do so because of impediments (antray). - Dada Bhagwan
Moksha (Liberation) is to become free from gathering & dispersing of circumstances. - Dada Bhagwan
Where there is even the subtlest desire, the ‘Eternal Thing’ cannot be attained. - Dada Bhagwan
To eat, drink, arise, awake etc. are all religion (dharma) of the body. One has not come into one’s own Self Religion (atma dharma) even for a second. Had he done so, he would never ever leave God. - Dada Bhagwan
Nothing is free in this world. That which comes before you is your very own. - Dada Bhagwan
Desires occur because pratyakhyan [resolutions to not repeat the mistake] were not done. It comes in the memory because pratikraman [repentances] were not done. - Dada Bhagwan
It is a tremendous strength to be able to digest an insult. - Dada Bhagwan
No one is a doer in this world. To claim, ‘I am doing’ is egoism. Illusion continues to prevail under the umbrella of egoism. - Dada Bhagwan
Till the chit is in blissful state, the world does not come in one's remembrance (one forgets the world till that time). - Dada Bhagwan
If you say a word against a ‘sensitive’ person, it will have an immediate effect. In reality, words are simply a ‘record’ playing. - Dada Bhagwan
Until ignorance, of one’s own Self (the Soul), is removed, illusory attachment (moha) will not go away. - Dada Bhagwan
When is one considered to be in the awareness of ‘one’s own Self’? It is when all the desires become mild (when desires lessens). - Dada Bhagwan
Absence of conflict creating intents is itself Moksh (Ultimate Liberation). - Dada Bhagwan
There is no insistence where there is pure love. Insistence is infatuation (deep attachment). - Dada Bhagwan
When you become worthy of people’s worship, you will be able to attain moksha (liberation), you cannot go to moksha just like that. Reproach (criticism) by people is the cause of a life in the lower realms. - Dada Bhagwan
Religion [dharma] is that where there is no irreligion (adharma, immorality). Religion cannot exist where there is irreligion. There can be only one or the other. Behind every intention, there is either [the force of] religion or [the force of] irreligion. - Dada Bhagwan
Focused awareness of the Self in one direction (upayog) is considered enlightened awareness (jagruti). - Dada Bhagwan
How much straight forward you are; that much bliss of the Self (Samadhi) will prevail within you. - Dada Bhagwan
When one sees his own faults, he will not have the time to see the others’ faults. - Dada Bhagwan
Where there is insistence, there is worldly life. - Dada Bhagwan
Causes for attachment are created at the very time abhorrence occurs. Familiarity (acquaintance) up to a certain point will result in attachment and if it reaches ‘ridge point’ & goes past further, it will result in abhorrence. - Dada Bhagwan
Problem does not lie in being a husband; the problem is with acting as a husband (being bossy). - Dada Bhagwan
It is not possible to know ‘Who am I?’ by ‘doing’. ‘Doing’ (anything), requires egoism, and where there is egoism, ‘Who am I’ cannot be known. - Dada Bhagwan
There is no ‘my’ in ‘I’. ‘My’ is outside of the ‘I’. - Dada Bhagwan
Those who have anger, they try to take control others with the heat of anger and those who do not have anger are able to take control of others with their strength of character known as sheel. Even it can take control of animals (with it’s strength)!!! - Dada Bhagwan
Ignorance’ (absence of Self-Knowledge) creates vibrations (causes) and ‘Knowledge’ (Self-Knowledge) stops these vibrations. - Dada Bhagwan
Pure-chit itself is the Absolute Supreme Soul (parmatma). - Dada Bhagwan
The world will praise you one moment and defame you the next. So why should we care for praise or defamation? - Dada Bhagwan
Happiness that comes and never leaves; it is called the bliss of the Soul. - Dada Bhagwan
For men, women are their ‘counter weights’ and when that is not enough, their daughters are their ‘counter weights.’ One can’t do without a counter weight. Otherwise, he will fall over. - Dada Bhagwan
Moksha (ultimate liberation) cannot be attained until purity arises. To attain purity one has to realize ‘Who am I? - Dada Bhagwan
Where there is not the slightest of misery; that is where the Soul is. - Dada Bhagwan
Worrying is the greatest egoism! - Dada Bhagwan
People live for two reasons. There are those who live for the Soul; such people are very rare. All others live for money. All day is spent for money, money, money! - Dada Bhagwan
All the activities that are happening in this world are indeed done through the intellect; there is no need for Knowledge there. Knowledge is indeed in Knowledge (Knowing). And whatever actions are done through the intellect, the Knowledge ‘Knows’ it too. - Dada Bhagwan
Imaginary happiness has an end and real happiness is permanent. - Dada Bhagwan
If one were to worship the Soul (self) for even a moment, he will attain moksha without fail. Such is the elegance of the body-complex (paudgalik ramanta) in this world! - Dada Bhagwan
What does religion say? It says that if you care for others then you will meet others who will care for you and if you hit others, you will meet others who will hit you. This is what all relative religions say. - Dada Bhagwan
Where one does not do planning, it is all pure ‘discharge’. ‘Charge’ occurs where there is planning. Discharge is a natural characteristic. There is no pain in it. - Dada Bhagwan
One is worthy as a son when he removes all his father’s troubles. - Dada Bhagwan
Shuddha upayog (applied awareness of the Self, The Soul) means to be able to see the Soul and the Body of the other person as separate. The constant contemplation of ‘I am pure Soul (Shuddhatma)’ is shukladhyan (pure contemplation as the Self). - Dada Bhagwan
One gets recurrent thoughts about things he had insisted upon and about matters he formed opinions! - Dada Bhagwan
Where do you see conflict in this world? Only where there is infatuation (attachment). - Dada Bhagwan
The mind doesn’t harass you; your attachment-abhorrence harasses you! - Dada Bhagwan
Scripture is one of many instruments to attain the Goal (experience of pure Soul). How can it be discarded? - Dada Bhagwan
The one who protects the body-complex (pudgal) is not the 'enlightened one' (Gnani). A Gnani is the protector of only the Soul and it’s natural attributes. - Dada Bhagwan
What is the nature of the Self (Soul)? To ‘see’ the dharma (function) of everything, to see ‘who is performing what function, and how that function is being performed.’ To ‘see’ it, is called the function of the Self (Soul). - Dada Bhagwan
If there is true ‘Selfishness,’ then there is ‘liberation of the Self’, and that indeed is one’s own form (the Self). - Dada Bhagwan
To worship means to go higher. If you join the one who has gone higher, you will go higher and if you speak ill of that person, you will fall down. - Dada Bhagwan
When there is no venom (poison) of any kind in your eyes, when a liberated smile is seen, then people will do your darshan (will come to see you with intent of worship). - Dada Bhagwan
What is called true happiness? It is 'chit prasannta' (blissful state of chit). The person who has attained 'chit prasannta', he need not beg for anything in this world! - Dada Bhagwan
Equanimity means that one does not do abhorrence at the time of abhorrence (generating incidents) and one does not do attachment at the time of attachment (generating incidents). - Dada Bhagwan
A reputable person is he who has trust in his own Self. Self means who? I am Pure Soul, it is that Self. - Dada Bhagwan
Someone may have a broken heart or someone may have a broken ego. Such people will have to suffer tremendously because of that. - Dada Bhagwan
How can the thoughts be stopped? Tell the thoughts, ‘You take care of your own issues; I am not on your side.’ That way you will sit on God’s side. - Dada Bhagwan
The person who tolerates ‘exactly’ (with understanding) hands over his ‘case’ to nature. There is no need to punish anyone. Nature itself will punish him. - Dada Bhagwan
How far is the Soul from attaining moksha (ultimate liberation)? Only the obstructive (antray) karmas. - Dada Bhagwan
One achieves the Self-state (swa-artha) while searching for the highest truth (param-artha). The search for the highest truth is solely for the purpose of attaining the Self, and once the Self is attained there is no need to search for the highest truth. - Dada Bhagwan
All religions are correct but the religion that searches for ‘Who am I?’ and ‘Who is the doer?’ is on the last final path of religion. And which knows this ‘Who’ is the final religion. - Dada Bhagwan
One’s Use of Life’, if turns into worldly selfishness is called adharma (irreligion), and if it turns into spiritual selfishness (towards true self) is called dharma (religion). - Dada Bhagwan
Absence of worldly misery - that is called eternal bliss. - Dada Bhagwan
If we clash with anyone, then it is our own weakness only. - Dada Bhagwan
Egoism’s nature is not Moha (Illusory attachment). Moha’s (Illusory attachment’s) nature is egoism. Moha is the origin of egoism. - Dada Bhagwan
Despise (viradhana) of a Gnani [the enlightened one] creates hindrance in (acquiring right) Knowledge-Vision-Conduct (Gnan-Darshan-Charitra). - Dada Bhagwan
That what keeps us supported is dharma (religion). - Dada Bhagwan
Where there is the slightest insistence, there is no religion there! - Dada Bhagwan
There is no truth in this world that is worth insisting upon! Anything that is insisted upon is not the truth at all! - Dada Bhagwan
Why should I care?’ The one who says this is the greatest offender of nature. - Dada Bhagwan
Who is considered a great man is the one who can be the smallest of the small. - Dada Bhagwan
Religion is that which congregate all the resources for spirituality (to attain the Self). - Dada Bhagwan
What is attraction (akarshan) in this world? It is open fire and one should be aware of it. Attraction is the open fire. The root of illusory attachment (moha) is indeed attraction. - Dada Bhagwan
Who is the ‘mother’ of ‘Knowledge (Gnan)’? It is ‘Understanding’ (samaj). Where can ‘understanding’ be acquired from? It is acquired from Gnani Purush (The Enlightened one). - Dada Bhagwan
There can never be suffering in the home of a person who is working for world's salvation. - Dada Bhagwan
The world is stuck because of the word ‘no’. - Dada Bhagwan
Religion stops the loot of illusion; and through non-religion, the loot of illusion begins. - Dada Bhagwan
If someone finds a flaw [shortcoming] in us, know that there is imperfection [defect] in us. However, it is a different matter if that person has a habit of talking negatively, but generally that is not the case. - Dada Bhagwan
It is the nature of the circumstances to disperse. If there is attachment with the circumstance, there will be abhorrence when they get dispersed. - Dada Bhagwan
Infinite knowledge, infinite vision, infinite energy of the Soul is in the same state even today. The Soul has never been a sinner. The Soul is absolutely pure. - Dada Bhagwan
As one becomes increasingly unsteady (restless), one increases entanglements. - Dada Bhagwan
I am unable to tolerate’; to say this is the lack of ability to tolerate and ‘I am able to tolerate’ is itself the ability to tolerate. - Dada Bhagwan
As long as the egoism is alive, ‘my-ness’ remains within the self. - Dada Bhagwan
Knowledge’ may be there but ‘correctness’ is required along with it. If you have ‘knowledge’ but don’t have the ‘correctness’; you will go to moksha, but others will not gain any benefit! - Dada Bhagwan
For the one who ‘enjoys’ (worldly) happiness, there will come a time for him to endure sorrow. - Dada Bhagwan
There should be no tenacity of insistence or obstinate insistence of any kind. If there is any tenacity, it should be the kind that will go away if you tell it to! - Dada Bhagwan
The slightest awareness of ‘my-ness’ is indeed egoism. - Dada Bhagwan
If one can exactly see the world ‘as it is’; if one can exactly see the ‘relative’ and the ‘real’, it is shukladhyan (contemplation as the Self, Pure Soul). - Dada Bhagwan
In scriptures, there is knowledge about the different methods; the knowledge about the goal [to attain Pure Soul] is not there. ‘Gnani’ has the knowledge about the goal [to attain Pure Soul]. Knowledge about the goal, which is the Soul, is obtained as a result of the ‘Gnani’s’ grace. - Dada Bhagwan
If ‘one’ really were the sufferer or the enjoyer, then he would get tired. But the Self in reality is not experiencing anything. He simply does egoism only. - Dada Bhagwan
The world is not worthless but one should know how to get work done from it, because everyone is God, they all have different work to do. Therefore do not have dislike for anything in this world. - Dada Bhagwan
Soul (Atma) remains very far from where kashays (anger-pride-deceit-greed) are created, the Soul is quite far from there. Where there is absence of kashays, there lies the ‘religion of Vitrags (the enlightened ones)’, and where kashays are present, lies the ‘relative religion’! - Dada Bhagwan
I am Chandubhai’ is an illusion itself and from that are karmas charged. When does ‘charging’ of new karmas stop? When one attains the exact awareness of ‘who I am?’. - Dada Bhagwan
One cannot have the same love for getting insulted (apmaan) as he does for getting importance (maan), can he? He cannot love loss as much as he loves profit, can he? - Dada Bhagwan
When one sees one’s own faults, he attains a state of an abode of Self-illuminated Bliss! - Dada Bhagwan
Nothing can be attained until all supports other than those of the pure Soul have been eliminated. - Dada Bhagwan
The Enlightened one (Gnani Purush) never wastes his time in counting money; focus of the awareness of the self (upayog) is wasted in doing this. One's focused awareness (upayog) is where he has ‘interest’! - Dada Bhagwan
What is arrogant pride (abhimaan)? It is to believe the weight of the body-complex [pudgal] to be one’s own weight. It is to believe that ‘I am Great’. - Dada Bhagwan
There is no Gnan (True Knowledge) where there is ‘egoism’ and where there is Gnan, there is no ‘egoism’. - Dada Bhagwan
Who gives you pain? Your anger, pride, illusion and greed. Where is the fault of the nature in all this? - Dada Bhagwan
In this world, there is nothing that is right. Anything that people raise objection to, is wrong. Do people raise objection in every matter? - Dada Bhagwan
If one man gets excessive maan (importance from others) higher than a certain point, he will get tired of it, and if he gets excessive insults higher than a certain point, he gets agitated. - Dada Bhagwan
In reality, the outer instruments (hands, feet, eyes, etc) are not the hindrance (for liberation); it is the inner instrument (mind, intellect, chit and ego) that is obstructive. - Dada Bhagwan
If you experience bliss of the Self (samadhi) amidst complete problematic stage, then know that you have met a Gnani Purush [the enlightened one]! - Dada Bhagwan
Obstacles (antray) are indeed due to desires. As desires keep on decreasing, so do the obstructions (antray) keep on getting destroyed. Then, everything is acquired (at that stage). - Dada Bhagwan
When others try to provoke (instigate) you and you don’t get provoked, it is known as a spiritual victory. - Dada Bhagwan
One who lives with one’s own (Soul’s) support is the Absolute Supreme Soul (Parmatma). One who lives with the body complex (relative self’s) support is the embodied (mortal) self (Jeevatma). - Dada Bhagwan
When attachment does not occur when someone gives flowers and no abhorrence occurs when someone throws stones; that is considered equanimity. - Dada Bhagwan
Soul (Atma), Absolute Knowledge (Gnan) and the Absolute Supreme Soul (Parmatma) are one and the same element. - Dada Bhagwan
All that is ‘free of cost’ is compulsory (farajeeyat). - Dada Bhagwan
Quarrels and differences of opinions are solely due to a flawed-vision. - Dada Bhagwan
Getting rid of the wrong understanding and attaining the right understanding is indeed bliss. - Dada Bhagwan
To protect one’s own statement is the greatest form of violence. To impress upon others that his statement is correct is a form of violence itself. - Dada Bhagwan
It is the body-complex that eats and one just does the egoism of ‘I ate.’ He is not aware that there is another entity. One simply takes on the suffering of another. - Dada Bhagwan
Those vibrations that we created have indeed fall upon us. Only those acts that were done in the ignorant (Self unawareness) state, that has given us reactions. - Dada Bhagwan
God has said for us to know bad, as bad and good, as good. But while knowing the bad, there should not be the slightest abhorrence towards it and while knowing the good, there should not be slightest attachment towards it. Without knowing bad, as bad, the good cannot be known as good. - Dada Bhagwan
What does greed mean? Greed means taking away what belongs to others. - Dada Bhagwan
Without ‘Gnan’ (True Knowledge of the Self), desire(s) will not go away. - Dada Bhagwan
Even a child cannot sit here without support. Some support will be necessary. No one can live without the support from the material world. After getting the support from one’s own Soul, one doesn’t need the support from the material world. ‘He’ will then become independent [support-free]. - Dada Bhagwan
He who wants to go to moksha (Final Liberation), he will have to realize his own self. Otherwise no matter how much of anything else he does, he will not attain moksha (liberation). - Dada Bhagwan
Illusory attachment (moha) is indeed what will keep on biting you until the point of your demise! - Dada Bhagwan
What is human beauty based on? It is based on how much egoism one has. Gnani Purush (the enlightened one) is without egoism so his beauty is beyond words! - Dada Bhagwan
Anger-pride-deceit-greed are in the form of ‘discharge’. But if one does not have ‘knowledge of True Self’ (realization of the self), then he ‘charges’ new karmas within. - Dada Bhagwan
A place where the mind can attain stillness meaning doing darshan (seeing with the intent of worship) of a great person who has stillness of the mind, can still the mind of other person, however the chit is not steady there. - Dada Bhagwan
Illusion (moha) is to take a beating and then forget, to take another beating and then forget again. - Dada Bhagwan
Nothing in this world can touch or affect the one who remains in the focused pure applied awareness of the Self, the Soul (shuddha upayogi). - Dada Bhagwan
The Right Knowledge reduces pain-and-suffering, and increases happiness. If we fall short of having acquired the Right Knowledge, the faults is ours’, isn’t it? - Dada Bhagwan
Where slightest of conflict exists, there is neither God nor Religion. - Dada Bhagwan
When it becomes above normal, material happiness will feel like misery. - Dada Bhagwan
Egoism has arisen due to circumstances and circumstances have survived due to egoism. The one whose egoism is gone, for him circumstances are gone. Everything has come into existence because of wrong belief. - Dada Bhagwan
Nothing can get spoilt as long the mind is steady, and when it becomes restless, it will spoil. God doesn’t give or take from anyone, but because God is in the permanent blissful state, all external actions will go well when one’s mind is steadied in Him. - Dada Bhagwan
Any kind of misery there is in the worldly life; the cause of it is moha (illusory vision). - Dada Bhagwan
God says only one thing if you want to have attachment towards worldly life; go ahead and get attached to it; or else, get attached to Me. If you get attached to Me, you will get permanent happiness and if you get attached to the worldly life, you will not find contentment! - Dada Bhagwan
All attributes of the relative self (prakrut) in the world have arisen due to lack of understanding. All this has arisen due to not understanding the truth. One has been wandering around for countless lives and still one considers oneself so great! - Dada Bhagwan
The world is not a ‘thing’ (eternal element). It is a wrong belief (vikalp) of the Soul. - Dada Bhagwan
The person whose attention is in the ‘pure Soul’ is known as a renowned person. No one in the past had been celebrated as a famous person; they were called renowned persons. To be famous is the result of an ‘above normal’ state. - Dada Bhagwan
Complete focused applied awareness of the Soul (shuddha upayog) is considered absolute Knowledge (keval gnan). - Dada Bhagwan
The inner intent one has of ‘may everyone attain salvation’, will bring salvation to himself first. - Dada Bhagwan
Principle’ [Established Truth] means everywhere applicable; when there is nothing else, it is called Principle. - Dada Bhagwan
This’ is not called a religion, ‘This’ is called a science (vignan). Religion keeps changing, science does not change. - Dada Bhagwan
Money is ‘limited’ and people’s demands are ‘unlimited’. - Dada Bhagwan
One’ is not a doer in this world. Where he believes that he is the doer, there is ‘charging’ (of karma). When one tastes egoistic pride of, I did this samayik, I did these activities, he will ‘charge’ (karma). The taste of egoistic pride is very sweet. - Dada Bhagwan
All day long, no one is at fault for anything. Whatever faults we see; we see them because of our own defects. - Dada Bhagwan
True religion is that which does not let you stumble. - Dada Bhagwan
Why is it that ‘we’ (the Gnani Purush, the enlightened one) do not have any obstruction (antray)? It is because ‘we’ are in a desire-free state (Nirichchhak dasha). - Dada Bhagwan
Once an opinion is formed, there will be attachment-abhorrence. A person without opinion is also without attachment-abhorrence. - Dada Bhagwan
If you do darshan (worship) of the one who has both stillness in his eyes and chit prasannta (blissful state of chit); you gain benefit. - Dada Bhagwan
He who controls the minds of others is a ‘Gnani’ (the enlightened one). Only when your mind is completely under your control, can other’s mind come under your control. How can the other persons mind come under your control when one has disturbances himself. - Dada Bhagwan
I am Chandubhai’ is good or bad focused applied awareness (shubha-ashubha upyoga). ‘I am Pure Soul’, is the focused pure applied awareness of the Self (shuddha upayog). With good-bad focused applied awareness (shubha-ashubha upayog) instillation in the worldly life occured. - Dada Bhagwan
What is the body complex (pudgal)? It is influx and outflow (puran-galan); it is credit and debit. And if you attain knowledge of the Soul, the Self, then you will attain Moksha (liberation). - Dada Bhagwan
A person who has the slightest fear of insult cannot be called a Gnani [the enlightened one] and a person who desires self-recognition [maan] is not a Gnani [the enlightened one]. - Dada Bhagwan
Illusion (maya) cannot enter where there is ‘light’ (enlightenment, awareness). Once darkness falls, illusion will enter there. The Gnani Purush can arrange for your illusion to go away permanently. - Dada Bhagwan
Absence of Kashays (anger-pride-deceit-greed) is indeed bliss. - Dada Bhagwan
No matter what kind of circumstances come together, if one’s stillness is not shaken and his goal does not change; he is known to have attained religion. - Dada Bhagwan
Union with [True] Knowledge is ‘Principle’ [Established Truth] and union with the three [mind, speech and body] is ‘non principle’ [absence of principle]. - Dada Bhagwan
When one decides that I want to get rid of the mistakes which are in me, he can become the Absolute Supreme Soul (Parmatma). - Dada Bhagwan
There are no places in this world where the chit can be concentrated. Without the chit attaining steady-state; the chit can’t be blissful. There are places where the mind can attain a steady state but there are no places where chit’s steady-state can be attained. - Dada Bhagwan
Difference of opinion is a clash, and to clash is a ‘weakness’. - Dada Bhagwan
The thoughts that arise because of 'depression' or 'elevation' are all wrong thoughts. The thoughts that arise in 'normality' are 'correct'. - Dada Bhagwan
As illusory attachment (moha) spread, one sunk deeper and deeper into the pit. - Dada Bhagwan
The world is entrapped through uneasiness, not through diseases (illnesses). Diseases (illnesses) are caused by uneasiness. Do the trees get any diseases (illnesses)? Do the crows become paralyzed or have high blood pressure? - Dada Bhagwan
Worldly life is based on ‘action’ and the spiritual life is based on ‘knowing’. One does the action and the other ‘sees’. The ‘doer’ and the ‘knower’ can never be the same, they are always separate. They were separate, they are separate and they will remain separate. - Dada Bhagwan
As many opinions you bound about a person, if you let go of them, you will attain a natural state. For whomever and for whatever matter, you have bound opinions, those opinions will continue to sting you and when you let go of those opinions, you can become natural. - Dada Bhagwan
As long as man has pride, he will appear unattractive and no one will be attracted to him. He may have a handsome face, his pride makes him unattractive. - Dada Bhagwan
He whose speech, behavior and humility captivates people’s minds, becomes worthy of worship by people. - Dada Bhagwan
Importance is not in ‘discharge’ (of karmas) that occurs; but it is in the contemplation (dhyan) within at that time in effect that is important. - Dada Bhagwan
Whatever work you do in this world; the work itself has no value. If there is attachment-abhorrence behind that work, then only you are responsible for the next life. You are not responsible if attachment-abhorrence don’t occur. - Dada Bhagwan
Actions do not need to be changed; just change your vision. - Dada Bhagwan
Religion means researching the true Eternal thing with Deluded world view (with wrong belief) and ‘this’ (akram vignan) is a science itself. - Dada Bhagwan
As long as one sees faults with the world, he prevails in the knowledge of the senses. The inner purification has not yet occurred in him. - Dada Bhagwan
The definition of freedom is that there is no dependency. Despite having the physical body, one feels no dependency. - Dada Bhagwan
One does not see ‘what is there’ and sees ‘what is not there’, that is called moha (illusory vision). - Dada Bhagwan
To be free of insistence [free of forcing one's own opinion] is the path of Vitragta [attachment-free state, the enlightened one]. Quit insisting at all places. To even insist on the truth, God has considered it as ignorance. There is no insistence in ‘Us’ whatsoever! - Dada Bhagwan
Gnani Purush’ [the enlightened one] has the [knowledge of the-Self] essence of all religions. - Dada Bhagwan
What is the difference between disrespect (avinay) and despise (viradhana)? Disrespect (avinay) means one shows lack of respect and to despise (viradhana) means one becomes an adversary (opponent). - Dada Bhagwan
If one has egoism without my-ness, he will go to moksha; all this entrapment is there because of egoism with my-ness! - Dada Bhagwan
The Soul has never become impure not even for a second and if it had become impure then no one in this world would have been able to purify it. - Dada Bhagwan
A person with a large tuber of self-pride remains engrossed in the fear of, ‘Someone is going to insult me…someone is going to insult me’ or ‘From where can I get respect? From where can I get the respect? - Dada Bhagwan
One should become free of mistakes so that there will be no superior over him. - Dada Bhagwan
Ego will always conduct itself to make sure that it does not appear bad. - Dada Bhagwan
This (Knowledge of Akram Vignan) is the ‘real’ thing and it is the absolute truth and the absolute truth is always functional (gives results). - Dada Bhagwan
In order to make the egoism non-existent [zero], the Gnani Purush [the enlightened one] establishes the awareness of the Pure Soul within. - Dada Bhagwan
When monetary dealing in religion stops, the religion will manifest its splendor! - Dada Bhagwan
Life is there to attain Liberation while going through the experience of it. It should not be ‘above normal’ or ‘below normal,’ it should be ‘normal’. - Dada Bhagwan
Awareness’ will not arise where there is deceit along with self-pride (maan). If there is deceit with self-pride, then one can never see the self-pride. - Dada Bhagwan
Nothing will be attained from actions of hundreds of thousands of lives. Moksha (liberation) is attained through ‘absolute humility’ (param vinaya). The ‘gates of understanding’ are opened with ‘absolute humility’. ‘Absolute humility’ arises only when the ego is dissolved. - Dada Bhagwan
When attachment increases too much, dislike will arise. - Dada Bhagwan
To see others’ faults is a terrible mistake! - Dada Bhagwan
Insistence on one’s own opinion can never lead to attainment of Moksha [Ultimate Liberation]. Only those who are free of insistence will attain Liberation. - Dada Bhagwan
Where our own mind doesn’t listen to us, how can other’s minds follow what we say? One should not have such expectation at all. - Dada Bhagwan
The person who knows how to adjust to others, he will not have any suffering. ‘Adjust everywhere’. - Dada Bhagwan
Where are you looking for samadhi (enlightened blissful state)? You just come into your own original Self-form of the Soul, final liberation and samadhi are the natural qualities of the Soul! - Dada Bhagwan
What is absolute humility (param vinaya)? It is on the one who has not disrespected anyone in the slightest! Absolute humility lies where there is no dispute, no difference of opinion or any law. Law is bondage. - Dada Bhagwan
The one whose egoism is gone, he becomes God. One is a mortal (jivatma) as long as there is egoism and if his egoism goes away, he becomes the eternal Absolute Supreme Soul (Paramatma). - Dada Bhagwan
God has called 'chit prasannta' (blissful state of chit) as happiness. Even when someone swears at you, picks your pocket; the 'chit prasannta' doesn’t go away! Even at two o’clock in the morning, the 'chit prasannta' does not go away. - Dada Bhagwan
Samkit’ (right belief) means knowing the Soul (self). - Dada Bhagwan
Flowing egoism is not objectionable but if it is caught-up even a little-bit; it is known as obstinacy. Flowing egoism is dramatic egoism. It is not problematic. - Dada Bhagwan
As much purity one has within, his external circumstances will be that much more favorable. As much impurity there is within, there will be a corresponding amount of unfavorable external circumstances. - Dada Bhagwan
Keeping ‘pure focused applied awareness of the Self (Soul)’ (shuddha upayog) is the same as being in the Absolute Supreme Self-form (Parmatma swaroop). - Dada Bhagwan
Knowledge that leads to restlessness (unsteadiness) is tremendous bondage. - Dada Bhagwan
Energies are to be expressed precisely with the person you don’t get along with. The energies are already there in dealing with the person you do get along with. ‘Not being able to get along’ is a weakness. - Dada Bhagwan
For how long will insult hurt a person? For as long as he covets self-importance. For as long as one covets temporary [non eternal] things. - Dada Bhagwan
As long one is not able to let go of the insistence on a certain opinion [faith, sect], he has not earned the right for Moksha [Ultimate Liberation]. He is not worthy of Moksha if he is in the sect. He is only worthy of material happiness; he is worthy of a celestial life. - Dada Bhagwan
True happiness is devoid of any illusion. - Dada Bhagwan
The greatest wonder of this world is the Soul. Once It is realized (attained), everything is attained!!! - Dada Bhagwan
After getting respect, one will get an equal amount of insult, if not in this life then the next. If you taste even the slightest of pleasure from this body-complex [pudgal], you will have to pay back an equivalent amount. Therefore become attachment-free (vitarag). - Dada Bhagwan
One cannot see one’s own mistakes in matters where his interest lies. - Dada Bhagwan
Abhorrence towards bitter circumstances and attachment towards sweet ones is the nature of agnan (ignorance of the self). Bitter and sweet will not exist if agnan (ignorance of the self) leaves. - Dada Bhagwan
I did this so well’- one says this and tastes the sweetness of subtle pride of doership. One enjoys the sweetness of this subtle pride. There is pain [suffering] with projection of doer-ship. God is eternal bliss and that indeed is the nature of the Self! - Dada Bhagwan
If one takes responsibility for the mistakes, he is the true person, isn’t it? Do not insist. Instead of insisting, instead of blaming others, take the responsibility of the mistakes on your head! - Dada Bhagwan
Tolerance is an attribute of egoism. - Dada Bhagwan
Thought is actually something that is dead, it is not a living thing. If ‘oneself’ gets engrossed in what is dead, then it will become alive. - Dada Bhagwan
Kashays [anger-pride-deceit-greed] will not leave by suppressing them, they go away through Gnan (Enlightened Knowledge). - Dada Bhagwan
The worldly life has persisted due to imitation of worldly movements and by opposing them, one becomes free. - Dada Bhagwan
Maintaining equanimity in misery is called penance (tapa). - Dada Bhagwan
One who speaks ‘completely’ negative creates karmic obstructions (antray) and ‘positive’ does not create any obstruction (antray). - Dada Bhagwan
If one understands (realizes) his own Self, then he himself is an Absolute Supreme Soul (Parmatma). - Dada Bhagwan
If one knows how to ‘digest’ an insult after attaining Self-realization, he will become a ‘Gnani’ [the enlightened one]. And if he ‘digests’ an insult before attaining Self-realization, he will become shameless (impudent). - Dada Bhagwan
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